2016年9月3日 星期六

Infolinks Ad types review and average cpm earnings

Expert Shout.
Posted by Rukal    

Infolinks is the important earning source for the upcoming bloggers and other webmasters, Most of the webmasters are keen on infolinks earning till they get approved with Google Adsense or after their account gets banned. Here we review all Ad types available in Infolinks and review their earnings potential against each type. It allows the webmasters to customize the script based on your needs, By visiting integration page you can easily integrate and activate the code by choosing teh Ad types.

1. Infolinks Ad type 1 – In-text Advertising.

Infolinks In-text is the important and most earning product type in the infolinks Ad network. Intext ads are contextual advertising method. Infolinks code scans the web pages and select the most relevant keywords of the content and double underline them with appropriate colour chosen by you. Upon a simple hover of a mouse, Infolinks ad bubble appears containing an ad matched to the context or keyword of the site. Even if you use other infolinks ad types without Intext Ad, you may not see reasonable earnings, hence activating the In text Ad type is must. If you use In text alone for your website your ecpm  may vary from  14$ to 1.5 $ based on the country, Quality and niche of the website.

2. Infolinks Ad type 2 -In-Fold

Infolinks InFold ad unit is previously called as In Search Ad unit,  Which is appearing on the page just above the fold, where it is most likely to engage users without cluttering the existing content in the page. The Ad will appear for all users irrespective of hover or click.  InFold tracks intent in real-time without checking,  relying  or capturing on aged data stored by cookies. Instead, InFold analyzes both site content and incoming search queries to identify user intent in real-time and serve attention-grabbing. Additionally Activating the Infold ad unit along with InText will boos the earnings by 10 %, but reduces the ecpm rate.

3. Infolinks Ad type 3 – In-Tag

Infolinks InTag Ads are keyword Advertisement, which shows a bunch of tag cloud at specific location ( Either end or middle or beginning of the paragraph ), where each of the tags link to a specific advertisement. It can easily expose to your viewers and readers to a wide variety of keywords, thus you might gain more clicks ( CTR) . I strongly recommend you,  not to use InTag Ads along with other CPC ads ( like Google Adsense) , because it reduces your CTR and drop the earnings tremendously.

4. Infolinks Ad type 4 – In-Frame

Infolins InFrame Ads are basically skyscraper  banner Ads, which displays after margin of your web page at both the sides. If your Web page opens on the big screen , the excess or available side spaces will be utilized for InFrame banner Advertising . Infolinks yet to tie up with big advertisers for Inframe Banner Advertising. Even though it looks attractive and promising, the offered eCPM rates are not encouraging. But its wonderful for the beginner, who has not  approved by google Adsense.

For all above Ad types Infolinks pays in net 45 days with minimum threshold of 50$ via paypal or Wire transfer or echeck.


