2017年2月22日 星期三





我們最近更新了政策網頁。如欲查閱更新詳情,請前往政策更新頁面,或在任何 PayPal 頁面的底部按一下「法律同意書」連結,然後選取「政策更新」。


多謝你對 PayPal 的支持。


為確保你可收到 PayPal 的電子郵件,請將 @mail.paypal.com 新增至你的安全寄件者清 單。更多詳情,請按此。


PayPal 發出的電郵一定會用全名,包括:姓氏和名字來稱呼你,而偽冒或網絡釣魚電郵通常只會使用籠統問候語,如:「親愛的 PayPal 會員」。若你 懷疑自己收到網絡釣魚電郵,請將整封電郵轉寄給 spoof@paypal.com,我們會助你確認該電郵是否來自 PayPal。


本電子郵件是由 PayPal 系統自動產發送,請勿回覆。如有任何查詢,請點擊 PayPal 網站任何一頁下方的「說明及聯絡我們」,到達「客戶支援」中心尋找答案。

消費者忠告-PayPal Hong Kong Limited 是受香港金融管理局監管的持牌儲值支付工具發行人,牌照編號為:SVF0008。建議香港的用戶在使用前先仔細閱讀條款及細則。

We have updates on our Policy Update page.

We've recently updated our policy page. To view the details of what's been changed, visit our Policy Update page, or click on the 'Legal' footer link on any PayPal page and select 'Policy Update'.

As always, if you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact us. We're always here to help.

Thank you for being a PayPal customer.

Yours sincerely,

To ensure that you are able to receive our emails, please add @mail.paypal.com to your safe senders list. For more information, please click here.

How do I know this is not a fake email?

Emails from PayPal will always address you by your surname and given name. Fake or "phishing" emails tend to have generic greetings such as "Dear PayPal member". If unsure, forward the suspicious email to spoof@paypal.com and we will let you know if it's really coming from us or not.

Please do not reply to this email. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, simply visit our Help Center by clicking “Help & Contact” at the bottom of any PayPal page.

Consumer Advisory - PayPal Hong Kong Limited is a licensed issuer of a stored value facility regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority under Licence Number: SVF0008. Users in Hong Kong are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.


