2017年2月22日 星期三

Reward your users and go native with SDK v2.3


Maximize your monetization opportunities with our SDK 2.3 in minutes.

Integration is simple with our developer-created guides.

High demand, both direct and indirect via mediation

iOS or Android, we have demand for your platform
Without the right formats, your users won’t convert and you won’t make money.
Our latest formats will get you the conversions you need.

Native Ads
Improve your engagement rate over banners by up to 67%.

Rewarded Videos
80% of your users will engage with our rewarded videos.

Provide more info and get more conversions, by up to 100%
Today’s advertising is about reducing interruptions while giving your users more control over how and when they see ads.
Get the SDK today and watch your revenues boom.

Get in touch!
Kentmanni 4 | 10116 | Tallinn, Estonia


