2016年11月6日 星期日

Reporting API for Publishers Upgraded

As a Publisher, you can access your statistics through the Adcash API services.

After taking onboard your feedback we’ve updated our API, adding some new features making it even easier to analyse traffic and revenue. Using the Adcash reporting API you can access the information you need with the level of granularity required to make informed decisions about your site or app.

Now you can...

    Execute single or Multi-dimensional statistics grouping. The possible values are site, zone, date, campaign, country, month, sub1, sub2
    Filter statistics by several criteria: sites, zones, countries, sub1, sub2

To get started with the API, all you need to do is login to your account and go to the Statistics menu. Here you’ll find the "Reporting API" PDF document.

Best Regards,
Adcash Team


