2017年8月24日 星期四
平價香煙猖獗 遺禍平民屋邨
這些平價香煙在香港市面出售,會衍生多個問題。首先,煙草稅大幅調升香煙的零售價,目的在阻止市民,尤其是收入有限的年輕人吸煙。但這些未完稅的平價香煙,明顯會增加對年輕人的吸引力;而本來希望戒煙的煙民, 也可能因為市面上有平價香煙出售,而繼續吸食香煙。 容許這些平價煙出售,事實上與徵收煙草稅的原意背道而馳。
此外,這些平價香煙來歷不明,不曾註冊,亦不受香港法例監管,遑論有否曾進行任何品質測試。即是說,它們的成份無從稽考, 品質實成疑問。倘若產品日後出現任何問題, 政府都難以追溯源頭及追究生產商。
再者,這些未完稅香煙剥奪了政府庫房重大收入, 令本可投放於公共衛生或其他有意義範籌的稅收, 白白流進走私香煙集團的手中。
報檔被偷香煙 女檔主泣訴:孤兒寡婦好慘
香煙加價2至3元 煙稅佔比低於世衛建議
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煙草廠家更是大力推廣藥用的煙草。19世紀末,藥用煙卷的廣告充斥了各大報紙版面。在當時的法國報紙上,除了抗風濕藥酒、勒拉斯磷化鐵和哈爾萊姆藥油之外,還能看見各個牌子的香煙廣告,例如「迪娃」(Diva)、「吉布森女孩」(Gibson's Girl)等。不過,法國人更偏愛具有東方色彩的「印度煙」,它以抗哮喘的療效而聞名。
從美洲到歐洲,再到中東,抽煙很快成為幾乎是全人類的愛好。1575年,西班牙人帶著煙草橫渡太平洋,將其傳入菲律賓;1590年,煙草傳進日本。16 世紀至17 世紀,頻繁的戰爭加快了煙草的推廣和普及。例如,出征德意志北部的奧匈帝國皇家軍隊將煙草帶到了奧地利和匈牙利;而瑞典國王古斯塔夫二世(Gustave II) 的軍隊則把煙草引進了瑞典。在荷蘭,煙草的出現源於西班牙的軍隊和稅收。
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「將一隻小狗或小貓放進含有300立方英吋空氣的空間裡,然後將8克煙草燃燒後所產生的煙霧引入其中。一刻鐘過後,動物開始出現中毒症狀;半小時或45分鐘後,試驗對像死亡。」法國著名的生理學家克勞德·伯納德(Claude Bernard)深入研究了尼古丁對神經系統的影響,並明確指出它所具有的毒性:「幾滴尼古丁提取液就能毒死一條狗,0.06克就能毒死一個人。」
來自煙草廠的調查無疑支持了這一說法,法國人維克多·梅拉(Fran?ois-Victor Merat)在《醫學大辭典》(1821)中提到:「煙廠工人們普遍面黃肌瘦,常患有哮喘、腹瀉、便血、頭暈頭痛等症狀。」
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但是,隨著香煙危害研究的不斷增加,煙草業並沒有坐以待斃。早在1880年,尼古丁的危害發現後不久,對於香煙過濾的研究就已經展開。1926年,匈牙利學者鮑裡斯·艾瓦斯(Boris Aivas)開始嘗試用捲起來的紙片代替藥棉,以達到為香煙過濾的效果。之後,日內瓦煙草公司勞倫斯採用了艾瓦斯的技術,並且應用於自己的產品中。到了1937年,法國國營的煙草公司也推出了「過濾香煙」阿尼克,其品牌名稱的意思就是「去除尼古丁」。
二戰後,美國人掌握了更好的過濾香煙開發技術。羅瑞拉德公司出品的健牌(Kent) 香煙在1952年推出之後,很快就佔領了相當一部分市場份額。其時,香煙過濾嘴是由紙片層或者醋酸纖維條組成,多數附帶活性炭,以吸收部分可能刺激支氣管的微粒,以及煙草燃燒生成的二氧化碳。
值得注意的是,當時有關煙草是否危害健康的爭論也被引入香煙廣告之中。20 世紀50 年代,法國羅德曼公司研發部門承認了煙草的危害:統計數據表明,肺癌與無節制地吸煙有很大的關係。諷刺的是,不久之後,該公司表示他們的過濾嘴香煙「黑貓」可以有效地避免吸煙的致命後果。
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煙草廠家更是大力推廣藥用的煙草。19世紀末,藥用煙卷的廣告充斥了各大報紙版面。在當時的法國報紙上,除了抗風濕藥酒、勒拉斯磷化鐵和哈爾萊姆藥油之外,還能看見各個牌子的香煙廣告,例如「迪娃」(Diva)、「吉布森女孩」(Gibson's Girl)等。不過,法國人更偏愛具有東方色彩的「印度煙」,它以抗哮喘的療效而聞名。
從美洲到歐洲,再到中東,抽煙很快成為幾乎是全人類的愛好。1575年,西班牙人帶著煙草橫渡太平洋,將其傳入菲律賓;1590年,煙草傳進日本。16 世紀至17 世紀,頻繁的戰爭加快了煙草的推廣和普及。例如,出征德意志北部的奧匈帝國皇家軍隊將煙草帶到了奧地利和匈牙利;而瑞典國王古斯塔夫二世(Gustave II) 的軍隊則把煙草引進了瑞典。在荷蘭,煙草的出現源於西班牙的軍隊和稅收。
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「將一隻小狗或小貓放進含有300立方英吋空氣的空間裡,然後將8克煙草燃燒後所產生的煙霧引入其中。一刻鐘過後,動物開始出現中毒症狀;半小時或45分鐘後,試驗對像死亡。」法國著名的生理學家克勞德·伯納德(Claude Bernard)深入研究了尼古丁對神經系統的影響,並明確指出它所具有的毒性:「幾滴尼古丁提取液就能毒死一條狗,0.06克就能毒死一個人。」
來自煙草廠的調查無疑支持了這一說法,法國人維克多·梅拉(Fran?ois-Victor Merat)在《醫學大辭典》(1821)中提到:「煙廠工人們普遍面黃肌瘦,常患有哮喘、腹瀉、便血、頭暈頭痛等症狀。」
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但是,隨著香煙危害研究的不斷增加,煙草業並沒有坐以待斃。早在1880年,尼古丁的危害發現後不久,對於香煙過濾的研究就已經展開。1926年,匈牙利學者鮑裡斯·艾瓦斯(Boris Aivas)開始嘗試用捲起來的紙片代替藥棉,以達到為香煙過濾的效果。之後,日內瓦煙草公司勞倫斯採用了艾瓦斯的技術,並且應用於自己的產品中。到了1937年,法國國營的煙草公司也推出了「過濾香煙」阿尼克,其品牌名稱的意思就是「去除尼古丁」。
二戰後,美國人掌握了更好的過濾香煙開發技術。羅瑞拉德公司出品的健牌(Kent) 香煙在1952年推出之後,很快就佔領了相當一部分市場份額。其時,香煙過濾嘴是由紙片層或者醋酸纖維條組成,多數附帶活性炭,以吸收部分可能刺激支氣管的微粒,以及煙草燃燒生成的二氧化碳。
值得注意的是,當時有關煙草是否危害健康的爭論也被引入香煙廣告之中。20 世紀50 年代,法國羅德曼公司研發部門承認了煙草的危害:統計數據表明,肺癌與無節制地吸煙有很大的關係。諷刺的是,不久之後,該公司表示他們的過濾嘴香煙「黑貓」可以有效地避免吸煙的致命後果。
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a.販售香菸之商店、檳榔攤,不得供應菸品予未滿十八歲者,並於入口或明顯處張貼「法律禁止販售香菸予末滿十八歲者 之標示。
a.販售香菸之商店、檳榔攤,不得供應菸品予未滿十八歲者,並於入口或明顯處張貼「法律禁止販售香菸予末滿十八歲者 之標示。
a. 短期(一星期),開始感受空氣的清新及食物的美味、體內殘存的尼古丁幾乎排光、身上不再有菸臭、牙齒變得較白。
c.長期(長 期),三個月後肺功能逐漸恢復、一年後因吸菸導致的冠狀動脈疾病危險性降低一半、五年後罹患口腔癌、食道癌、咽喉癌的危險性降
c.長期(長 期),三個月後肺功能逐漸恢復、一年後因吸菸導致的冠狀動脈疾病危險性降低一半、五年後罹患口腔癌、食道癌、咽喉癌的危險性降
a. 尼古丁具有中樞神經興奮、提神的作用,也是造成香菸成癮的主要物質。癮君子為了獲得尼古丁,吸入更多毒害物質及致癌物,另外尼古丁會增快心跳速率,引起末梢血管的收縮,長期易致心臟血管疾病。
b. 一氧化碳則會阻礙正常氧氣和血紅素的結合,造成體內缺氧.
c. 懷孕時吸菸或吸入二手菸易導致死產、新生兒死亡率增加、新生兒出生體重較輕。
a. 尼古丁具有中樞神經興奮、提神的作用,也是造成香菸成癮的主要物質。癮君子為了獲得尼古丁,吸入更多毒害物質及致癌物,另外尼古丁會增快心跳速率,引起末梢血管的收縮,長期易致心臟血管疾病。
b. 一氧化碳則會阻礙正常氧氣和血紅素的結合,造成體內缺氧.
c. 懷孕時吸菸或吸入二手菸易導致死產、新生兒死亡率增加、新生兒出生體重較輕。
“我開始使用AdFly與我的網站,一開始我發布我的鏈接是沒有任何標準,但是我的網站開始增長,我很喜歡它,所以我認為'為什麼不從中受益? 那是當我發現AdFly的時候。
教程:在線賺錢| #Adfly視頻教程

教程:在線賺錢| #Adfly視頻教程

ADF.LY / x19有限责任公司的法律隐私政策(修订版)
ADF.LY / x19有限责任公司的法律隐私政策(修订版)<= [English version]
“AdFly”或“AdFly”或“我們”或“我們”一詞是指該網站“x19 Limited”的所有者,其註冊辦事處為x19 Limited,倫敦舊格洛斯特街27號,WC1N 3AX。我公司註冊號為05995703,在英國註冊。術語“你”是指我們網站的用戶或觀眾。術語“內容”是指您與本服務結合使用的網站。
為了“1998年數據保護法”的目的,x19 Limited是我們的數據控制器。
(f)與您通過我們網站(包括您的姓名,地址,電話號碼,電子郵件地址以及PayPal / Payza帳戶詳細信息)進行的任何您對我們的服務購買或任何其他交易有關的信息;
“AdFly”或“AdFly”或“我們”或“我們”一詞是指該網站“x19 Limited”的所有者,其註冊辦事處為x19 Limited,倫敦舊格洛斯特街27號,WC1N 3AX。我公司註冊號為05995703,在英國註冊。術語“你”是指我們網站的用戶或觀眾。術語“內容”是指您與本服務結合使用的網站。
為了“1998年數據保護法”的目的,x19 Limited是我們的數據控制器。
(f)與您通過我們網站(包括您的姓名,地址,電話號碼,電子郵件地址以及PayPal / Payza帳戶詳細信息)進行的任何您對我們的服務購買或任何其他交易有關的信息;
2017年8月21日 星期一
"I have been using AdFly for over 4 years and I still remember I got my first payment from AdFly on the 7th November of 2011.
On those days I wanted to use my website traffic and links to monetize. Then I discovered AdFly and started to monetize my links and site with affiliate banners. From the very first day I was getting good response and earnings from AdFly. That's how I started my journey and now I'm a proud member of this big happy family.
I like almost everything about AdFly. When I started I could only shorten my links and earn money. Now one can monetize a whole website with AdFly since they have added nice features like Pop Ads, Full Page Script, Website Entry Script, etc.
I can give only one advice: Share your links everywhere. Some people tend to shorten links but don't share them which is a big minus points for many publishers out there.
I would definitely recommend AdFly because I have seen thousands of advertising networks come and go but there are some who are here to make friends and AdFly is one of them. Without a doubt the best link shortener service I've seen. Once again thank you AdFly!"
Arifa Ashrafi
Adfly Tutorial: How to use Bookmarklet (AdFly Video Tutorial Contest)
Adfly is the most popular link shortening website in world right now. Its also the most trusted paid for link shrinking website out there. im proud to be a member of adfly world & wish for its success.
On those days I wanted to use my website traffic and links to monetize. Then I discovered AdFly and started to monetize my links and site with affiliate banners. From the very first day I was getting good response and earnings from AdFly. That's how I started my journey and now I'm a proud member of this big happy family.
I like almost everything about AdFly. When I started I could only shorten my links and earn money. Now one can monetize a whole website with AdFly since they have added nice features like Pop Ads, Full Page Script, Website Entry Script, etc.
I can give only one advice: Share your links everywhere. Some people tend to shorten links but don't share them which is a big minus points for many publishers out there.
I would definitely recommend AdFly because I have seen thousands of advertising networks come and go but there are some who are here to make friends and AdFly is one of them. Without a doubt the best link shortener service I've seen. Once again thank you AdFly!"
Arifa Ashrafi
Adfly Tutorial: How to use Bookmarklet (AdFly Video Tutorial Contest)

Adfly is the most popular link shortening website in world right now. Its also the most trusted paid for link shrinking website out there. im proud to be a member of adfly world & wish for its success.
Mass Shrinker
"AdFly has certainly an easy-to-use interface, so if you're thinking of using AdFly, you don't need advanced knowledge of marketing.
I've been using AdFly for about a month and it is certainly one of the best ways to make money online and what I like the most is that is easy and quick to use, as simple as shortening a link and you get your money.
One of my suggestions is to shrink as many links as you can and share them across all your social networks to generate more visits and more earnings.
I would definitely recommend using AdFly to my friends so that they too can live the experience to make money with AdFly. You also earn a commission for each friend you refer to AdFly, just perfect!"
Franklyn Letona
I've been using AdFly for about a month and it is certainly one of the best ways to make money online and what I like the most is that is easy and quick to use, as simple as shortening a link and you get your money.
One of my suggestions is to shrink as many links as you can and share them across all your social networks to generate more visits and more earnings.
I would definitely recommend using AdFly to my friends so that they too can live the experience to make money with AdFly. You also earn a commission for each friend you refer to AdFly, just perfect!"
Franklyn Letona

Wordpress Plugin
"I have been using AdFly for over 4 years and I still remember I got my first payment from AdFly on the 7th November of 2011.
On those days I wanted to use my website traffic and links to monetize. Then I discovered AdFly and started to monetize my links and site with affiliate banners. From the very first day I was getting good response and earnings from AdFly. That's how I started my journey and now I'm a proud member of this big happy family.
I like almost everything about AdFly. When I started I could only shorten my links and earn money. Now one can monetize a whole website with AdFly since they have added nice features like Pop Ads, Full Page Script, Website Entry Script, etc.
I can give only one advice: Share your links everywhere. Some people tend to shorten links but don't share them which is a big minus points for many publishers out there.
I would definitely recommend AdFly because I have seen thousands of advertising networks come and go but there are some who are here to make friends and AdFly is one of them. Without a doubt the best link shortener service I've seen. Once again thank you AdFly! "
Arifa Ashrafi
Adfly Tutorial: How to Configure Adfly Plugins (AdFly Video Tutorial Contest)
Dont 4get to Subscribe our channel and Like our Videos.
Adfly is the most popular link shortening website in world right now. Its also the most trusted paid for link shrinking website out there. im proud to be a member of adfly world & wish for its success.
On those days I wanted to use my website traffic and links to monetize. Then I discovered AdFly and started to monetize my links and site with affiliate banners. From the very first day I was getting good response and earnings from AdFly. That's how I started my journey and now I'm a proud member of this big happy family.
I like almost everything about AdFly. When I started I could only shorten my links and earn money. Now one can monetize a whole website with AdFly since they have added nice features like Pop Ads, Full Page Script, Website Entry Script, etc.
I can give only one advice: Share your links everywhere. Some people tend to shorten links but don't share them which is a big minus points for many publishers out there.
I would definitely recommend AdFly because I have seen thousands of advertising networks come and go but there are some who are here to make friends and AdFly is one of them. Without a doubt the best link shortener service I've seen. Once again thank you AdFly! "
Arifa Ashrafi
Adfly Tutorial: How to Configure Adfly Plugins (AdFly Video Tutorial Contest)
Dont 4get to Subscribe our channel and Like our Videos.
Adfly is the most popular link shortening website in world right now. Its also the most trusted paid for link shrinking website out there. im proud to be a member of adfly world & wish for its success.
Tools for Publishers
"I've been actively using AdFly since June of 2014, when I created my mod. I like the simplicity of AdFly. It's really easy to start using the service and start creating links. Everything is straightforward and not confusing like some other services.
When I first discovered AdFly, I used to link things like my social media or websites. I then started using AdFly actively for one of my Minecraft Projects "Lucky Block Blue". AdFly provided me with an easy way to link users to the mod download while also helping me financially.
I recommend to other Publishers to share your links with people who have use to the websites or content that they link to. Finding the correct people to share with may be hard, but just sharing your links to anyone will be considered as spam and lead to people not wanting to click on the AdFly link. For me since I was linking to a Minecraft mod, I shared my link on websites like "Planetminecraft" and "9minecraft" and they marketed to the Minecraft community looking for Minecraft mods. This helped my AdFly links be more frequently clicked on and increased my earnings a lot.
I totally recommend AdFly, I've already spread the word here where I live. When one of my friends wants to start an internet project like a texture pack or mod like me, I always tell them to link the download via AdFly so they can earn a little profit while having fun with their project."
Paul Kang
AdFly Publisher’s Tools Guide

Welcome to my Adfly Publisher's Tools Guide created for the AdFly Video Tutorial Contest!
This guide will show you the tools AdFly Publishers have and how you can use them while shortening your links!
When I first discovered AdFly, I used to link things like my social media or websites. I then started using AdFly actively for one of my Minecraft Projects "Lucky Block Blue". AdFly provided me with an easy way to link users to the mod download while also helping me financially.
I recommend to other Publishers to share your links with people who have use to the websites or content that they link to. Finding the correct people to share with may be hard, but just sharing your links to anyone will be considered as spam and lead to people not wanting to click on the AdFly link. For me since I was linking to a Minecraft mod, I shared my link on websites like "Planetminecraft" and "9minecraft" and they marketed to the Minecraft community looking for Minecraft mods. This helped my AdFly links be more frequently clicked on and increased my earnings a lot.
I totally recommend AdFly, I've already spread the word here where I live. When one of my friends wants to start an internet project like a texture pack or mod like me, I always tell them to link the download via AdFly so they can earn a little profit while having fun with their project."
Paul Kang
AdFly Publisher’s Tools Guide

Welcome to my Adfly Publisher's Tools Guide created for the AdFly Video Tutorial Contest!
This guide will show you the tools AdFly Publishers have and how you can use them while shortening your links!
How does it work?
"I've been using AdFly since 2009, after creating my free website. I like the service because it's easy and everybody knows how it works.
I would totally recommend AdFly to my friends."
AdFly Video Tutorial Contest
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I would totally recommend AdFly to my friends."
AdFly Video Tutorial Contest
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What is AdFly?
"I started using AdFly with my website. In the beginning I was publishing my links without any criteria but then my website started growing and I really liked it so I thought 'Why not to get benefit from it?' and that's when I found AdFly.
I've been with AdFly now for almost 3 years."
Oliver Peña Rodriguez
Tutorial: Making Money Online | #Adfly Video Tutorial Contest
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This Video was made to show you, How Can You Make Money Shorting URL by Adfly, the best option and 100% and Truth, Enjoy this video and Join With us.
I've been with AdFly now for almost 3 years."
Oliver Peña Rodriguez
Tutorial: Making Money Online | #Adfly Video Tutorial Contest
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This Video was made to show you, How Can You Make Money Shorting URL by Adfly, the best option and 100% and Truth, Enjoy this video and Join With us.
ADF.LY / x19有限责任公司的法律隐私政策(修订版)
This statement was last updated September 10, 2015.
The term 'AdF.ly' or 'AdFly'' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website 'x19 Limited' whose registered office is x19 Limited, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Our company registration number is 05995703, registered in England. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website. The term 'Content' refers to the website you are using in conjunction with the Service.
We at x19 Limited respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at anytime you visit or communicate with our site. Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.
This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time; therefore, it should be reviewed occasionally.
For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, x19 Limited is our data controller.
Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication via our contact form.
Our Privacy Policy is seperated in to the "AdFly Service Website" (requires an account with AdFly) and the "AdFly Advertising Pages" (the page shown after clicking an AdFly link).
AdFly Service Website
1. Introduction
1.1 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors; in this policy we explain how we will treat your personal information.
1.2 We will ask you to consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy when you first visit our website.
2. Collecting personal information
2.1 We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:
(a) Information about your computer and about your visits to and use of this website (including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths);
(b) Information that you provide to us when registering with our website (including yourname and email address);
(c) Information that you provide when completing your profile on our website (including profile pictures, telephone number and adress);
(d) Information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters (including your name and email address);
(e) Information that you provide to us when using the services on our website, or that is generated in the course of the use of those services including the timing, frequency and pattern of service use;
(f) Information relating to any purchases you make of our services or any other transactions that you enter into through our website (including your name, address, telephone number, email address and PayPal/Payza account details);
(g) Information that you post to our website for publication on the internet (including your user name and URLs);
(h) Information contained in or relating to any communication that you send to us or send through our website (including the communication content and metadata associated with the communication);
3. Collecting personal information
3.1 Before you disclose to us the personal information of another person, you must obtain that person's consent to both the disclosure and the processing of that personal information in accordance with this policy.
4. Using personal information
4.1 Personal information submitted to us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website.
4.2 We may use your personal information to:
(a) administer our website and business;
(b) personalise our website for you;
(c) enable your use of the services available on our website;
(e) supply to you services purchased through our website;
(f) send statements, invoices and payment reminders to you, and collect payments from you;
(g) send you non-marketing commercial communications;
(h) send you email notifications regarding your account and activity;
(i) send you our email newsletter (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require the newsletter);
(j) send you marketing communications relating to our business which we think may be of interest to you by email or similar technology (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require marketing communications);
(k) provide third parties with statistical information about our users (but those third parties will not be able to identify any individual user from that information);
(l) deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our website;
(m) keep our website secure and prevent fraud;
(n) verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including monitoring private messages sent through our website private messaging service);
4.3 If you submit personal information for publication on our website, we will publish and otherwise use that information in accordance with the licence you grant to us.
4.4 We will not, without your express consent, supply your personal information to any third party for the purpose of their or any other third party's direct marketing.
4.5 All our website financial transactions are handled through our payment services provider, PayPal/Payza/Payoneer. You can review the provider's privacy policy at their website. We will share information with our payment services provider only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing payments you make via our website, refunding such payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds.
5. Disclosing personal information
5.1 We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
5.2 We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group of companies this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
5.3 We may disclose your personal information:
(a) to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
(b) in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
(c) in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk);
(d) to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset that we are (or are contemplating) selling; and
(e) to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information.
5.4 Except as provided in this policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.
6. International data transfers
6.1 Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this policy.
6.2 Information that we collect may be transferred to the following countries which do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in the European Economic Area: the United States of America.
6.3 Personal information that you publish on our website or submit for publication on our website may be available, via the internet, around the world. We cannot prevent the use or misuse of such information by others.
6.4 You expressly agree to the transfers of personal information described in this Section 6.
7. Retaining personal information
7.1 This Section 7 sets out our data retention policies and procedure, which are designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations in relation to the retention and deletion of personal information.
7.2 Personal information that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
7.3 Without prejudice to Section 7.2, we will usually delete personal data when requested.
7.4 Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 7, we will retain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data:
(a) to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
(b) if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
(c) in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).
8. Security of personal information
8.1 We will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.
8.2 We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure (password- and firewall-protected) servers.
8.3 All electronic financial transactions entered into through our website will be protected by encryption technology.
8.4 You acknowledge that the transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.
8.5 You are responsible for keeping the password you use for accessing our website confidential; we will not ask you for your password (except when you log in to our website).
9. Amendments
9.1 We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.
9.2 You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.
9.3 We may notify you of changes to this policy by email.
10. Your rights
10.1 You may instruct us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; provision of such information will be subject to:
(a) the payment of a fee (currently fixed at GBP 10); and
(b) the supply of appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport certified by a solicitor or bank plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address).
10.2 We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law.
10.3 You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes.
10.4 In practice, you will usually either expressly agree in advance to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.
11. Third party websites
11.1 Our website includes hyperlinks to, and details of, third party websites.
11.2 We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties.
12. Updating information
12.1 Please let us know if the personal information that we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.
13. Cookies
13.1 Our website uses cookies.
13.2 A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.
13.3 Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.
13.4 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.
13.5 We use both session and persistent cookies on our website.
13.6 The names of the cookies that we use on our website, and the purposes for which they are used, are set out below:
(a) we use 'FLYSESSID' on our website to recognise a computer when a user visits the website, enable the use of a shopping cart on the website, improve the website's usability, administer the website, prevent fraud and improve the security of the website and personalise the website for each user;
13.7 Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies; for example:
(a) in Internet Explorer (version 11) you can block cookies using the cookie handling override settings available by clicking "Tools", "Internet Options", "Privacy" and then "Advanced";
(b) in Firefox (version 39) you can block all cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options", "Privacy", selecting "Use custom settings for history" from the drop-down menu, and unticking "Accept cookies from sites"; and
(c) in Chrome (version 44), you can block all cookies by accessing the "Customise and control" menu, and clicking "Settings", "Show advanced settings" and "Content settings", and then selecting "Block sites from setting any data" under the "Cookies" heading.
13.8 Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.
13.9 If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.
13.10 You can delete cookies already stored on your computer; for example:
(a) in Internet Explorer (version 11), you must manually delete cookie files (you can find instructions for doing so at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11);
(b) in Firefox (version 39), you can delete cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options" and "Privacy", then selecting "Use custom settings for history" from the drop-down menu, clicking "Show Cookies", and then clicking "Remove All Cookies"; and
(c) in Chrome (version 44), you can delete all cookies by accessing the "Customise and control" menu, and clicking "Settings", "Show advanced settings" and "Clear browsing data", and then selecting "Cookies and other site and plug-in data" before clicking "Clear browsing data".
13.11 Deleting cookies will have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.
14. Data protection registration
14.1 We are registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner's Office.
14.2 Our data protection registration number is ZA140058.
15. Our details
15.1 This website is owned and operated by x19 Limited.
15.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 05995703, and our registered office is at 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX.
15.4 You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, by using our website contact form.
AdFly Advertising Pages
Data we collect and store
We use cookies to store Non-Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on our advertising pages. The information stored contains tracking information, such as which advertising campaigns you have previously viewed and the frequency of adverts shown.
We store your IP address and browser user-agent information, these are not linked to anything else personally identifiable.
We may take a 'canvas fingerprint' of your browser, as part of our fraud prevention program. This information cannot identify you personally but helps us determine real or bot users.
What we do with this data
The Non-Personal Information is used by our system to determine what advertising campaigns you have previously viewed on AdFly and how many, how often. This ensures that we do show you more adverts than necessary.
We also use this information for targeting our advertising campaigns. For example, an advertiser pays us for a campaign to be viewed only from Australia, we will use your IP address to determine your country and whether to show you this particular campaign or not.
This data is not sold or shared with any third party.
Opt out of our interest-based advertising
We currently do not target adverts based on your interests but if we do in the future or you don't want us to store any information collected, please opt-out using the button below.
This button will also opt you out of our canvas fingerprinting anti-fraud technology and our website may not be fully functional due to this.
This will store a single cookie in your browser, you will need to repeat this for all browsers that you use to access AdFly.
Third Party Polices
The majority of advertising shown by AdFly is hosted by a third party. We have no control over the information they collect, so you should refer to their individual privacy policies for more information. We do not share or sell your information to your advertisers, any PII information collected by our advertisers must be provided by yourself.
Our third-party advertising partners may set cookies on your device when you visit our website to help them better understand your advertising preferences.
Please see the Digital Advertising Alliance's consumer choice page (http://www.aboutads.info/choices) for more information and how to opt-out of interest based advertising from participating companies.
Digital Advertising Alliance's Principles
We adhere to the DAA Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, for more information please see their website (http://www.aboutads.info/).
The term 'AdF.ly' or 'AdFly'' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website 'x19 Limited' whose registered office is x19 Limited, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Our company registration number is 05995703, registered in England. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website. The term 'Content' refers to the website you are using in conjunction with the Service.
We at x19 Limited respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at anytime you visit or communicate with our site. Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.
This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time; therefore, it should be reviewed occasionally.
For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, x19 Limited is our data controller.
Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication via our contact form.
Our Privacy Policy is seperated in to the "AdFly Service Website" (requires an account with AdFly) and the "AdFly Advertising Pages" (the page shown after clicking an AdFly link).
AdFly Service Website
1. Introduction
1.1 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors; in this policy we explain how we will treat your personal information.
1.2 We will ask you to consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy when you first visit our website.
2. Collecting personal information
2.1 We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:
(a) Information about your computer and about your visits to and use of this website (including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths);
(b) Information that you provide to us when registering with our website (including yourname and email address);
(c) Information that you provide when completing your profile on our website (including profile pictures, telephone number and adress);
(d) Information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters (including your name and email address);
(e) Information that you provide to us when using the services on our website, or that is generated in the course of the use of those services including the timing, frequency and pattern of service use;
(f) Information relating to any purchases you make of our services or any other transactions that you enter into through our website (including your name, address, telephone number, email address and PayPal/Payza account details);
(g) Information that you post to our website for publication on the internet (including your user name and URLs);
(h) Information contained in or relating to any communication that you send to us or send through our website (including the communication content and metadata associated with the communication);
3. Collecting personal information
3.1 Before you disclose to us the personal information of another person, you must obtain that person's consent to both the disclosure and the processing of that personal information in accordance with this policy.
4. Using personal information
4.1 Personal information submitted to us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website.
4.2 We may use your personal information to:
(a) administer our website and business;
(b) personalise our website for you;
(c) enable your use of the services available on our website;
(e) supply to you services purchased through our website;
(f) send statements, invoices and payment reminders to you, and collect payments from you;
(g) send you non-marketing commercial communications;
(h) send you email notifications regarding your account and activity;
(i) send you our email newsletter (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require the newsletter);
(j) send you marketing communications relating to our business which we think may be of interest to you by email or similar technology (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require marketing communications);
(k) provide third parties with statistical information about our users (but those third parties will not be able to identify any individual user from that information);
(l) deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our website;
(m) keep our website secure and prevent fraud;
(n) verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including monitoring private messages sent through our website private messaging service);
4.3 If you submit personal information for publication on our website, we will publish and otherwise use that information in accordance with the licence you grant to us.
4.4 We will not, without your express consent, supply your personal information to any third party for the purpose of their or any other third party's direct marketing.
4.5 All our website financial transactions are handled through our payment services provider, PayPal/Payza/Payoneer. You can review the provider's privacy policy at their website. We will share information with our payment services provider only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing payments you make via our website, refunding such payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds.
5. Disclosing personal information
5.1 We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
5.2 We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group of companies this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
5.3 We may disclose your personal information:
(a) to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
(b) in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
(c) in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk);
(d) to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset that we are (or are contemplating) selling; and
(e) to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information.
5.4 Except as provided in this policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.
6. International data transfers
6.1 Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this policy.
6.2 Information that we collect may be transferred to the following countries which do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in the European Economic Area: the United States of America.
6.3 Personal information that you publish on our website or submit for publication on our website may be available, via the internet, around the world. We cannot prevent the use or misuse of such information by others.
6.4 You expressly agree to the transfers of personal information described in this Section 6.
7. Retaining personal information
7.1 This Section 7 sets out our data retention policies and procedure, which are designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations in relation to the retention and deletion of personal information.
7.2 Personal information that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
7.3 Without prejudice to Section 7.2, we will usually delete personal data when requested.
7.4 Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 7, we will retain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data:
(a) to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
(b) if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
(c) in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).
8. Security of personal information
8.1 We will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.
8.2 We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure (password- and firewall-protected) servers.
8.3 All electronic financial transactions entered into through our website will be protected by encryption technology.
8.4 You acknowledge that the transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.
8.5 You are responsible for keeping the password you use for accessing our website confidential; we will not ask you for your password (except when you log in to our website).
9. Amendments
9.1 We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.
9.2 You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.
9.3 We may notify you of changes to this policy by email.
10. Your rights
10.1 You may instruct us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; provision of such information will be subject to:
(a) the payment of a fee (currently fixed at GBP 10); and
(b) the supply of appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport certified by a solicitor or bank plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address).
10.2 We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law.
10.3 You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes.
10.4 In practice, you will usually either expressly agree in advance to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.
11. Third party websites
11.1 Our website includes hyperlinks to, and details of, third party websites.
11.2 We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties.
12. Updating information
12.1 Please let us know if the personal information that we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.
13. Cookies
13.1 Our website uses cookies.
13.2 A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.
13.3 Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.
13.4 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.
13.5 We use both session and persistent cookies on our website.
13.6 The names of the cookies that we use on our website, and the purposes for which they are used, are set out below:
(a) we use 'FLYSESSID' on our website to recognise a computer when a user visits the website, enable the use of a shopping cart on the website, improve the website's usability, administer the website, prevent fraud and improve the security of the website and personalise the website for each user;
13.7 Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies; for example:
(a) in Internet Explorer (version 11) you can block cookies using the cookie handling override settings available by clicking "Tools", "Internet Options", "Privacy" and then "Advanced";
(b) in Firefox (version 39) you can block all cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options", "Privacy", selecting "Use custom settings for history" from the drop-down menu, and unticking "Accept cookies from sites"; and
(c) in Chrome (version 44), you can block all cookies by accessing the "Customise and control" menu, and clicking "Settings", "Show advanced settings" and "Content settings", and then selecting "Block sites from setting any data" under the "Cookies" heading.
13.8 Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.
13.9 If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.
13.10 You can delete cookies already stored on your computer; for example:
(a) in Internet Explorer (version 11), you must manually delete cookie files (you can find instructions for doing so at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11);
(b) in Firefox (version 39), you can delete cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options" and "Privacy", then selecting "Use custom settings for history" from the drop-down menu, clicking "Show Cookies", and then clicking "Remove All Cookies"; and
(c) in Chrome (version 44), you can delete all cookies by accessing the "Customise and control" menu, and clicking "Settings", "Show advanced settings" and "Clear browsing data", and then selecting "Cookies and other site and plug-in data" before clicking "Clear browsing data".
13.11 Deleting cookies will have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.
14. Data protection registration
14.1 We are registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner's Office.
14.2 Our data protection registration number is ZA140058.
15. Our details
15.1 This website is owned and operated by x19 Limited.
15.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 05995703, and our registered office is at 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX.
15.4 You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, by using our website contact form.
AdFly Advertising Pages
Data we collect and store
We use cookies to store Non-Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on our advertising pages. The information stored contains tracking information, such as which advertising campaigns you have previously viewed and the frequency of adverts shown.
We store your IP address and browser user-agent information, these are not linked to anything else personally identifiable.
We may take a 'canvas fingerprint' of your browser, as part of our fraud prevention program. This information cannot identify you personally but helps us determine real or bot users.
What we do with this data
The Non-Personal Information is used by our system to determine what advertising campaigns you have previously viewed on AdFly and how many, how often. This ensures that we do show you more adverts than necessary.
We also use this information for targeting our advertising campaigns. For example, an advertiser pays us for a campaign to be viewed only from Australia, we will use your IP address to determine your country and whether to show you this particular campaign or not.
This data is not sold or shared with any third party.
Opt out of our interest-based advertising
We currently do not target adverts based on your interests but if we do in the future or you don't want us to store any information collected, please opt-out using the button below.
This button will also opt you out of our canvas fingerprinting anti-fraud technology and our website may not be fully functional due to this.
This will store a single cookie in your browser, you will need to repeat this for all browsers that you use to access AdFly.
Third Party Polices
The majority of advertising shown by AdFly is hosted by a third party. We have no control over the information they collect, so you should refer to their individual privacy policies for more information. We do not share or sell your information to your advertisers, any PII information collected by our advertisers must be provided by yourself.
Our third-party advertising partners may set cookies on your device when you visit our website to help them better understand your advertising preferences.
Please see the Digital Advertising Alliance's consumer choice page (http://www.aboutads.info/choices) for more information and how to opt-out of interest based advertising from participating companies.
Digital Advertising Alliance's Principles
We adhere to the DAA Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, for more information please see their website (http://www.aboutads.info/).
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2. CitySky Wallpapers Download: Niki Chow所使用的CWD Ad Server Template與新推出的部落格是一樣。
天空桌面:周麗淇 (CitySky Wallpapers Download: Niki Chow) http://nikichowblog.blogspot.com/
1. 少數2017年推出的部落格採用了創新的UI,"網誌存檔"放在工具箱裡。
2. 新部落格的工具箱要按才顯示"網誌存檔"。
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2017年8月20日 星期日
查理·布朗回覆 有關 "用戶體驗(UX)和用戶界面(UI)"
Re: 2017年谷歌的Blogger有新的Theme (主題)
Re: 2017年谷歌的Blogger有新的Theme (主題)
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13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
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13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
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Re: 2017年谷歌的Blogger有新的Theme (主題)
13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
13 high-demand freelancer skills in today’s market
2017年8月19日 星期六
The Difference Between UX and UI Design
We’ve all overheard conversations, walking down hip streets of the world’s tech capitals, discussions about the great ‘UX’ of a product, or the poor ‘UI’ of a website. Is it a secret language you will never be privy to? Are these people just using slang to look cool?
Well, ok probably yes to the latter, but a determinate NO to the rest. Read on to learn what these terms mean, which jobs are better paid, and how to become a UX designer or UI designer.
Scroll to the middle of the post to watch a video of me speaking about this article, and giving you some extra info on what being a UX or UI Designer really means.
The Acronyms Unveiled
The people you have eavesdropped on are actually discussing two professions that despite having been around for decades, and in theory for centuries, have been defined by the tech industry as UX and UI Design.
UX Design refers to the term User Experience Design, while UI Design stands for User Interface Design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their professional relationship, the roles themselves are quite different, referring to very different parts of the process and the design discipline. Where UX Design is a more analytical and technical field, UI Design is closer to what we refer to as graphic design, though the responsibilities are somewhat more complex.
There is an analogy I like to use in describing the different parts of a (digital) product:
If you imagine a product as the human body, the bones represent the code which give it structure. The organs represent the UX design: measuring and optimizing against input for supporting life functions. And UI design represents the cosmetics of the body–its presentation, its senses and reactions.
But don’t worry if you’re still confused! You’re not the only one!
As Rahul Varshney, Co-creator of Foster.fm puts it:
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are some of the most confused and misused terms in our field. A UI without UX is like a painter slapping paint onto canvas without thought; while UX without UI is like the frame of a sculpture with no paper mache on it. A great product experience starts with UX followed by UI. Both are essential for the product’s success.
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Below I break down the history, debate and definition around each term in detail. But if you don’t care for them - jump to the end of each section for a simplified description. And make sure you don’t miss the professional stats below it.
What is User Experience Design?
User experience design is a human-first way of designing products. You can learn more about how we’re promoting human-first design across all industries over at The UX School.
As is found on Wikipedia:
User experience design (UXD or UED) is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product.
Clear, right? Well you might note immediately that despite what I implied in the introduction, the definition has no reference to tech, no mention of digital, and vague at best. But like all professions, it’s impossible to distill the process from just a few words.
Some confusion in the definition of the term itself is due to its youth. Don Norman, a cognitive scientist and co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group Design Consultancy, is credited with inventing the term in the late 1990’s declaring that “User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.”
This implies that regardless of its medium , UX Design encompasses any and all interactions between a potential or active customer and a company. As a scientific process it could be applied to anything, street lamps, cars, Ikea shelving and so on. In the video below, we pit a banana against a pineapple to demonstrate this point.
However! Despite being a scientific term, its use since inception has been almost entirely within digital fields; one arguable reason for this being that the industry started blowing up around the time of the term’s invention. Another arguable reason being that it was just a fancy way of rewording a practice that has already existed for hundreds of years known as “Market Research”; and boy do designers love fancy.
But don’t let me confuse you, User Experience Design is not a market research job.
Though it does utilize many of the same techniques to achieve a complex end goal: The structure, analysis and optimization of a customer’s experience with a company and its products.
If you’ve never seen User Experience work in practice, never even used the term at work, it’s still difficult to imagine what User Experience Designers actually do. At CareerFoundry we’ve developed a UX course that focuses on the process which I will use to illustrate the profession.
Here is a cliff notes example of a UX Designer’s responsibilities as laid out by our course. It is targeted at development of digital products, but the theory and process can be applied to anything:
Strategy and Content:
Competitor Analysis
Customer Analysis
Product Structure/Strategy
Content Development
Wireframing and Prototyping:
Development Planning
Execution and Analytics
Coordination with UI Designer(s)
Coordination with Developer(s)
Tracking Goals and Integration
Analysis and Iteration
So part marketer, part designer, part project manager; the UX role is complex, challenging and multi-faceted. You see that iteration of the product, as connected to analysis or testing is indeed mentioned twice, but in reality you would put it in between every other item on the list. Ultimately the aim is to connect business goals to user’s needs through a process of testing and refinement to that which satisfies both sides of the relationship.
So in conclusion:
User Experience Design is the process of development and improvement of quality interaction between a user and all facets of a company.
User Experience Design is responsible for being hands on with the process of research, testing, development, content, and prototyping to test for quality results.
User Experience Design is in theory a non-digital (cognitive science) practice, but used and defined predominantly by digital industries.
The lesson to be learned here, is that if you’re interested in sociology, in cognitive science, in people and in great products, User Experience is a good place to be; but if you understand those principles and are more visually inclined, you might look at its brother-in-arms: User Interface Design.
Want to know more about me and this post? Check out this video we put together with even more info for our readers on what being a UX or UI Designer really means. You get to see my lovely face too. Let me know what you think!
What is UI Design?
Despite it being an older and more practiced field, the question of “ What is user interface design? ” is difficult to answer by its ranging variety of misinterpretations. While User Experience is a conglomeration of tasks focused on optimization of a product for effective and enjoyable use; User Interface Design is its compliment, the look and feel, the presentation and interactivity of a product. But like UX, it is easily and often confused by the industries that employ UI Designers. To the extent that different job posts will often refer to the profession as completely different things.
If you look at job posts for User Interface Design, you will mostly find interpretations of the profession that are akin to graphic design. Sometimes extending also to branding design, and even front end development.
If you look at expert definitions of User Interface Design, you will mostly find descriptions that are in part identical to User Experience design. Even referring to the same structural techniques.
So which one is right? The sad answer is: Neither
But both are close in some ways. Like User Experience Design, User Interface Design is a multi-faceted and challenging role. It is responsible for the transference of a product’s development, research, content and layout into an attractive, guiding and responsive experience for users. It is also a field that unlike UX, is a strictly digital profession, as per its dictionary definition:
user interface
noun Computing
the means by which the user and a computer system interact, in particular the use of input devices and software.
We explain in much greater detail what the definition and role of UI Design is, as well as teach you the skills required to become a UI designer in the CareerFoundry UI Design Course. This includes its relationship to brand, graphic/visual, and front-end design.
Regardless of whether you choose UX design or UI design, it’s important to understand how the other one works and, crucially, how to work with them.
Let’s have a quick look at the UI designer’s responsibilities:
Look and Feel:
Customer Analysis
Design Research
Branding and Graphic Development
User Guides/Storyline
Responsiveness and Interactivity:
UI Prototyping
Interactivity and Animation
Adaptation to All Device Screen Sizes
Implementation with Developer
As a visual and interactive designer, the UI role is crucial to any digital interface and for customers a key element to trusting a brand. While the brand itself is never solely the responsibility of the UI designer, its translation to the product is.
You’ll also note the final point which states a responsibility for “implementation” of the design with a developer. While this is generally how UI jobs have worked in the past, you should be aware that the lines are blurring, as the term “Web Designer” (essentially a UI designer who can code) is being replaced by expertise of User Interface Designers. While UX has no need for coding, UI is a role that as time progresses, will rely on it as part of building interactive interfaces.
So in conclusion:
User Interface Design is responsible for the transference of a brand’s strengths and visual assets to a product’s interface as to best enhance the user’s experience.
User Interface Design is a process of visually guiding the user through a product’s interface via interactive elements and across all sizes/platforms.
User Interface Design is a digital field, which includes responsibility for cooperation and work with developers or code.
Or in analogical terms, UI design produces a product’s: Skin - a product’s visual/graphic presentation. Senses - a product’s reactivity and interactivity in response to a user’s input or different display environments. And makeup - a product’s guides, hints, and directives that visually leads users through their experience.
Is One More Important Than The Other?
If you’ve read the above paragraphs you already know the answer. But incase you’re unsure, allow me to quote designer and expert Helga Moreno, who her article The Gap Between UX And UI Design put it quite eloquently:
“Something that looks great but is difficult to use is exemplary of great UI and poor UX. While Something very usable that looks terrible is exemplary of great UX and poor UI.”
So you see, they are both crucial, and while there are millions of examples of great products with one and not the other, imagine how much more successful they might have been when strong in both fields.
And let’s face it, both roles are still confused, misinterpreted, and falsely sought after. So if you’re looking to get into these fields, it’s not a matter of which is more important, but based on the descriptions above which is more attractive to you.
Which Profession Is Better Paid?
Salaries are of course dictated by many factors, though primarily:
project/product type
On average you’ll find that UI and UX jobs have similar salary ranges across startups and minor tech industries. You’ll find however that in tech industries outside the web and mobile fields (e.g. car companies, medical equipment manufacturers, etc) there are more and richer opportunities for UI designers, as the field is not only more established but has a more direct business driven application.
Pulling upon averages however, it is possible to find both User Experience, and User Interface jobs across the following range of value in central Europe.
Junior Level Salary €28k - €33k
Mid Level Salary €38k - €45k
Senior Level Salary €50k - €80k
Junior Freelancer €30 - €50
Mid Level Freelancer €50 - €75
Senior Level Consultant €75 - €100
*Numbers are based on salary data from Germany and central europe.
UX vs UI - Which Profession Is Right for You?
How Do I Learn These Skills?
While there are collegiate institutions who have Interactive Design and visual design programs, there are very few official ways to learn either UI or UX Design skills as applied to working with tech startups.
If you live in a major metropolitan area, you may be lucky to have access to a variety of bootcamp or class-style programs, such as General Assembly, or localized programs hosted by Google and other tech giants.
Online and with flexibility, you’ll find an infinite range of free content and courses for both skills. I highly recommend checking the outline and content of every course to see if what is being taught matches the definitions laid out in this article; but if structured correctly these options found on platforms like udacity, udemy, tuts+ are perhaps the best introduction to the field.
For more specialized and personal education, the options are somewhat limited. In fact CareerFoundry’s mentored UX Design course is the only truly UX dedicated mentor program, bloc.io’s being a mixed UI course.
If your interest is in learning UI design online, we obviously recommend our own mentored UI Design course, curated by long time UI designer Eric Bieller.
Why Did I Write This Article?
I would like to quickly articulate the motivations behind this post. Firstly, there is seemingly a clear need for more articles of this type as I find few experts bothering to publicly define the differences of UX and UI design. As I’ve mentioned time and time again, the fields are confused, and unnecessarily so. My hope is that beginner or expert, you can take something away from this article and share it with others who are as confused as the individuals writing the job posts.
Secondly, if you are interested in learning either or both of these disciplines, I hope to have made their definitions clear enough for you to better decide which to start with, or that which may be inherently more attractive to you as a future profession.
But lastly, I also feel it important to stimulate conversation. Not least of which with some controversy. I am hoping, inherently, that some of you lovely readers disagree with me and that you will voice it publicly in the comments. If our industry is confused, it is our job to unconfuse it, and the more passionate professionals that step up and contribute to the definition, the better.
Re: 2017年谷歌的Blogger有新的Theme (主題)
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2017年8月18日 星期五
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Payoneer's Withdraw to Bank service allows you to easily withdraw funds directly to your local bank account. The service supports withdrawal to more than 150 countries and currencies.
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How to Request a Payment with Payoneer
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How To View Your Account Transaction and Load History
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Your Payoneer online account allows you to view information such as transaction history, payment history, personal details, and more. In this video, we will go over the process of how to view your account transaction and payment history.
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How to Activate Your Payoneer Card
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Ready to learn how to activate your Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard? This video will give you detailed instructions for doing so.
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