2017年8月19日 星期六

Connect to Google+

What changes?

You're now seen as...

Blogger profile
Profile photo>
CitySky William
View my complete profile

You will be seen as...

Google+ profile
Profile photo>
CitySky William
View my complete profile
Your public Google+ profile will replace your Blogger profile
Your profile gadget will show information, including your common name , from your public Google+ profile instead of your Blogger profile
Your posts and comments will link to your public Google+ profile
This change will affect all your blogs: 天空桌面:楊嘉欣 (CitySky Wallpapers Download: Yeung Ka Ian), 天空桌面:唐詩詠 (CitySky Wallpapers Download: Natalie Tong), 天空桌面:楊秀惠 (CitySky Wallpapers Download: Vivien Yeo), 天空桌面:梁麗翹 (CitySky Wallpapers Download: Nicole Leung) and 32 more
Information on your Blogger profile won't be transferred to your Google+ profile, so copy your Blogger profile information to your Google+ profile before switching
Learn more
 I've read the above and fully understand that my public Google+ profile will now be associated with all of my blogs, and I'm ready to switch to a Google+ profile on Blogger.


You're now connected to Google+

Add blogs to your profile

Give your blogs more exposure by listing them on your Google+ profile. Select the blogs you'd like to display on your Google+ profile's About page in the "Contributor to" section.


