2016年10月31日 星期一

IT SOLUTIONS OLIVE Ad Server proposal

AdF.ly : shorten urls and earn money



You Successfully Added PropellerAds as a New Funding Source!

Clicksor+Infinityads Plug-in Layer Banners and more

Clicksor+ Infinityads插件:层横幅和更多




Start editing your website: China Singer Yuan Quan (Australia)

2015 Australia Blog & Dot com Projects: 1. IT SOLUTIONS OLIVE

袁泉(澳洲)网站采用了YesUp Poup, 728×90 banner和Adcash 728×90



CitySky Wallpapers Download: Gigi Leung Ad Server proposal


CitySky Wallpapers Download: Niki Chow Ad Server proposal

CWD AU: PropellerAds的廣告代碼

CWD AU: Infolinks的廣告代碼。

CWD AU: YesUp - infinityads的廣告代碼。

CWD AU的新廣告


信用卡的月結單 [2015年的夏天]


CitySky Wallpapers Download: Yuan Quan Ad Server proposal

What are your payment options?

Is Propeller Ads compatible with other ad networks?

How do I make money?


Payoneer信用卡: 佟麗婭澳洲網站使用Propeller Ads。


Can I receive my payment via Payoneer?



Microsoft Credit Card Project: 模特兒出租費用



消息:CWD AU [繁體]

Re: Infolinks CWD AU

With Advertisers Going Mobile Visibility Matters on All Devices

CWD AU的Infolinks


Infolinks InArticle ads vs 3D Photo Gallery: China Wallpapers

Payoneer Credit Card Terms and Conditions

System Notifications: [CWD AU: cityskywallpaper.co.nf]

Re: Funding Sources: Payment methods using Credit Card

Payoneer Credit Card Video

Terms and Conditions for the Payoneer Global Payment Service


on.cc vs YesUp廣告價目

InfinityAds: How much do I get paid?


CitySky Wallpapers Download - Australia website收入多少?

Re: 傳聞上天空桌面:袁泉部落格很容易中iPhone 6(超過五成機會),是真的嗎?(中國)

CWD AU Ad Server proposal

[Ad Server proposal 2016-10]

Adfly: Using Adfly to hide External links:

1. Payoneer Credit Card: Social networks

2. Payoneer Credit Card: External links Ad project

Native Direct Ads:

Pop-under House Ad URL

Start monetizing traffic became much easier

Clicksor+Infinityads Plug-in Layer Banners and more

Theme Header: Adcash at top

Infolinks Ad Setup: Using Text Widgets

Theme Footer: Adcash at bottom

Microsoft Credit Card Project: Peedy, Merlin & Genie are back!

YesUp & Infolinks Ad Setup

Backup CWD AU Ad Tags

CitySky Wallpapers Download: YesUp Banner Tags


CitySky Wallpapers Download: YesUp Site ID


為什麼批Payoneer信用卡? : 1. InText 2. InArticle


2016年10月29日 星期六

Re: PSA Ad: 戒煙的好處

1. 不要給予金錢予政府或公司,對消費者造成金錢或健康的損失。
2. 不要給予金錢予政府或公司,對消費者造成不便或金錢的損失。

PSA Ad: 戒煙的好處
戒 煙 能 立 即 帶 給 你 多 方 面 的 好 處 ! 戒 煙 之 後 , 你 可 以 ︰
減 少 因 吸 煙 而 患 上 各 種 致 命 疾 病 的 機 會
省 下 買 煙 的 金 錢
保 障 家 人 免 受 二 手 煙 的 毒 害
不 再 滿 身 煙 味 , 重 新 建 立 一 個 健 康 的 形 象
戒 煙 後 , 身 體 在 短 時 間 內 便 開 始 回 復 正 常 :
戒 煙 二 十 分 鐘 後 , 血 壓 、 心 跳 及 脈 搏 下 降 至 正 常 水 平
戒 煙 十 二 小 時 後 , 血 液 中 一 氧 化 碳 含 量 下 調 至 正 常
戒 煙 兩 星 期 至 十 二 星 期 後 , 循 環 系 統 改 善 , 肺 功 能 提 升
戒 煙 一 至 九 個 月 後 , 咳 嗽 、 呼 吸 短 促 的 情 況 大 大 改 善
戒 煙 一 年 後 , 患 上 冠 心 病 的 機 率 比 吸 煙 者 低 一 半
戒 煙 五 至 十 五 年 後 , 中 風 的 機 率 等 同 非 吸 煙 者
戒 煙 十 年 後 , 肺 癌 死 亡 率 約 為 吸 煙 者 的 一 半
戒 煙 十 五 年 後 , 患 上 冠 心 病 機 率 等 同 非 吸 煙 者
戒 煙 後 你 更 可 以 重 獲 自 由 ! 在 身 處 非 吸 煙 區 的 時 候 , 你 不 用 再 為 四 處 找 地 方 吸 煙 而 煩 惱 。
戒 煙 的 時 機
幾 時 戒 煙 才 是 最 佳 時 機 ? 愈 早 戒 煙 , 好 處 當 然 愈 多 ! 根 據 英 國 一 項 長 達 50 年 的 研 究 指 出 * , 吸 煙 者 在 30 歲 時 戒 煙 , 平 均 可 挽 回 因 吸 煙 而 減 少 的 10 年 壽 命 。

PSA Ad: 萬 一 失 手 , 怎 辦 ?

" 人 有 錯 手 , 馬 有 失 蹄 " , 很 多 戒 煙 者 在 戒 煙 初 期 也 因 控 制 不 了 煙 癮 而 偶 爾 吸 煙 。 因 此 , 及 早 制 訂 應 變 措 施 , 可 避 免 一 旦 " 失 手 " 時 不 知 所 措 ︰
不 要 有 " 一 不 做 , 二 不 休 " 的 想 法 , 吸 一 支 煙 或 一 口 煙 仍 未 算 完 全 失 敗 , 只 要 你 立 刻 停 止 ∕ 棄 掉 它 , 你 還 是 有 成 功 的 希 望 。
從 失 敗 中 汲 取 經 驗 和 教 訓 , 找 出 " 致 命 " 因 素 , 然 後 對 症 下 藥 , 避 免 重 蹈 覆 轍 。

留 意 其 他 因 素 如 : 担 心 肥 胖 、 壓 力 、 生 活 模 式 、 有 否 依 照 指 示 使 用 戒 煙 輔 助 藥 物 等 , 因 為 這 些 都 會 直 接 影 響 你 成 功 與 否 。
即 使 真 的 失 敗 了 , 也 不 應 過 分 自 責 或 內 疚 。 像 考 車 牌 一 樣 , 不 是 每 個 人 都 可 以 " 一 次 過 " 的 。

PSA Ad: 戒煙的方法

戒 煙 的 方 法 有 多 種 , 包 括 自 行 戒 煙 、 參 加 戒 煙 服 務 或 使 用 戒 煙 輔 助 藥 物 等 。 無 論 你 使 用 任 何 一 種 方 法 戒 煙 , 都 必 須 具 備 堅 定 的 意 志 和 決 心 , 並 配 合 持 之 以 恆 的 健 康 生 活 模 式 。

PSA Ad: 戒煙的好處

戒 煙 能 立 即 帶 給 你 多 方 面 的 好 處 ! 戒 煙 之 後 , 你 可 以 ︰
減 少 因 吸 煙 而 患 上 各 種 致 命 疾 病 的 機 會
省 下 買 煙 的 金 錢
保 障 家 人 免 受 二 手 煙 的 毒 害
不 再 滿 身 煙 味 , 重 新 建 立 一 個 健 康 的 形 象
戒 煙 後 , 身 體 在 短 時 間 內 便 開 始 回 復 正 常 :
戒 煙 二 十 分 鐘 後 , 血 壓 、 心 跳 及 脈 搏 下 降 至 正 常 水 平
戒 煙 十 二 小 時 後 , 血 液 中 一 氧 化 碳 含 量 下 調 至 正 常
戒 煙 兩 星 期 至 十 二 星 期 後 , 循 環 系 統 改 善 , 肺 功 能 提 升
戒 煙 一 至 九 個 月 後 , 咳 嗽 、 呼 吸 短 促 的 情 況 大 大 改 善
戒 煙 一 年 後 , 患 上 冠 心 病 的 機 率 比 吸 煙 者 低 一 半
戒 煙 五 至 十 五 年 後 , 中 風 的 機 率 等 同 非 吸 煙 者
戒 煙 十 年 後 , 肺 癌 死 亡 率 約 為 吸 煙 者 的 一 半
戒 煙 十 五 年 後 , 患 上 冠 心 病 機 率 等 同 非 吸 煙 者
戒 煙 後 你 更 可 以 重 獲 自 由 ! 在 身 處 非 吸 煙 區 的 時 候 , 你 不 用 再 為 四 處 找 地 方 吸 煙 而 煩 惱 。
戒 煙 的 時 機
幾 時 戒 煙 才 是 最 佳 時 機 ? 愈 早 戒 煙 , 好 處 當 然 愈 多 ! 根 據 英 國 一 項 長 達 50 年 的 研 究 指 出 * , 吸 煙 者 在 30 歲 時 戒 煙 , 平 均 可 挽 回 因 吸 煙 而 減 少 的 10 年 壽 命 。

8 Reasons Why No One’s Reading Your Blog

So you’ve heard about the magic of business blogging and decided to jump on board. You’ve been writing and publishing for a couple of weeks now. Like a grinning spider, you sit back and wait for the fly…

And you wait… and wait. Some tumbleweed blows by. Nothing happens.

Instead of hundreds of readers flocking to your blog, there’s only silence. A couple of clicks, but no comments or subscribers. Your business blog sits neglected in a corner, gathering digital dust.

I know you feel dejected but trust me, you’re not the only one to struggle! There are several common mistakes that newbie bloggers make. Read on to discover 8 reasons why no one is reading your blog – and how to turn things around.

Your topic isn’t relevant to your audience

Reason 1: Your topic isn’t relevant to your audience

I know you love your business. I bet you could preach passionately about your team, products, and profit margins all day, or give me a 20 second elevator pitch that would knock my socks off.

But this is where many business bloggers go wrong. You are trying to reach future customers and subscribers. These people don’t care about your business (yet!). They don’t care about your office Christmas party, or that Tim from accounts had a baby. They don’t even care about your new product range because they’ve never bought from you before.

Attracting new buyers and subscribers means attracting an audience you’ve never met. You need to appeal to strangers. And not just any strangers – the kind of strangers who are likely to take an interest in your business, maybe even become a customer.

For example, imagine your company sells engagement rings. Your ideal readers might be people aged 25-35, earning at least 50k per year, and in a long-term relationship. How do you appeal to them? What are their needs, desires, fears, passions and interests? These are the questions you should ask when choosing a blog topic. So you might write a blog about romantic date night ideas, getting adventurous in the bedroom, or 10 signs you’re in a great relationship.

Don’t push your product or your own agenda directly. Figure out who your customers are. Then create content that holds value and interest for them.

Our tips:

HubSpot and Xtensio offer free tools for creating buyer personas (imaginary profiles of your target audience). These can help you target your writing.
Research your successful blogging competitors. What do they write about?
Use language that suits your target demographic.
Measure the success of your previous blog posts using Google Analytics (or your blogging platform’s built-in analytics). Which topics tend to resonate with your audience?

Reason 2: Your blog is visually unappealing

Human beings are visual creatures – we’re enamored by pretty things. Which is why ugly websites don’t retain visitors… And neither do ugly blog posts.

If you’re not including photographs or graphics within your posts you risk losing the reader’s attention. This is particularly important if you’re posting long form content – no one wants to stare at a wall of plain text 2,000 words long.

Many bloggers like to take their own photographs, but if that’s not your forte you can purchase stock photos online. Tread carefully though. While there are millions of stock photos to choose from, many of them ooze cliché – and business themed stock pictures tend to be particularly cringe-inducing. It’s better if you can find something original and edgy.

Finally, if you’re opting to advertise on your blog, do it in a way that preserves the look and feel of your site. Infolinks is a great choice because they integrate audience relevant ads into your site without disrupting the design or appearing intrusive.

Our tips:

Try the more unusual stock photo libraries; like Death to the Stock Photo or Unsplash
Check out Infolinks handy list of design tips
Hire a photography student to take pics for your blog
Use Infolinks for unobtrusive advertising
Your blog is visually unappealing

Reason 3: You’re not distributing effectively

So you’ve created a beautiful blog filled with relevant, interesting blog posts. But the hard work’s not over yet! There’s no point in blogging if you’re not distributing your posts.

One of the most powerful tools for distributing your blog posts is social media. Social media channels are a relatively cost effective way of reaching thousands (even millions) of new readers if used effectively.

One of the great benefits of going social, particularly with Facebook, is that you can finely tune the targeting to reach your ideal audience. Are your main customers newly divorced men with a keen interest in gaming? 20-25 year olds who own cars and frequently travel? Crazy cat ladies in a 10km radius? Chances are, Facebook can pinpoint and target your ideal reader.

Share your blog posts on your company’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages. It’s also a great idea to include ‘share’ buttons on your blog. This makes it easy for readers to share your posts on their own social accounts, spreading the love even further.

Our tips:

Invest in targeted Facebook advertising and boosted posts
Don’t just share fresh blog content – resurface your best evergreen posts
Use social media to start a conversation with your blog followers
Reason 4: Your blog isn’t SEO optimized

Why is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so important? Because the second page of Google is a cold, dead wasteland where no-one dares to tread. In fact, a staggering 95% of all search traffic won’t make it past the first page. On the other hand, if your blog post lands in the top 1 or 2 organic search results on Google’s first page, you’ve hit the SEO jackpot.

Almost all bloggers are striving for great SEO rankings, but it’s surprisingly easy to make basic mistakes. When you’re caught up in the excitement of your shiny new blog it’s easy to forget mundane (but important) SEO details like meta descriptions, alt image tags and title tags.

Another common pitfall is basing your blog topics on over-saturated keywords. Did you expect your generic travel post to rank no.1 on Google? I’ve got news for you – you’re not the first person to blog about the breathtaking beauty of the Taj Mahal.

This is why keyword analytics tools are so important, even though many bloggers shy away from them (I’ve heard the same complaint so many times – “I’m a writer! Not a numbers person”). Sorry to break the bad news, but there’s no escaping analytics. Luckily there are plenty of helpful online resources to get you started.

Our tips:

Use online keyword planners. Try Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, SECockpit, or Long Tail Pro.
Long tail keywords are great because they’re more specific, and give you a greater chance of beating the competition.
SEO plugins are a simple way of optimizing your blog. For example, WordPress offers an extremely popular All in One SEO Pack.
Think you’re an expert? This Backlinko list of 200 Google ranking factors proves we all have more to learn.
Your blog isn’t SEO optimized

Reason 5: Your copywriting sucks

Ouch! This one’s a little personal, and can be a tough pill to swallow. But if your writing is awful you’ll be lucky to get any subscribers (except maybe your mum), and your bounce rate will be through the roof.

There are some common mistakes people make when writing blogs. One is what I call university (or college) syndrome. Many recent graduates can’t break the habit of using long-winded, rambling sentences and showing off their vocabulary. If you’re using words like ‘axiomatic’ or ‘obsequious’ – now is the time to stop. No one wants to read a blog that sounds like a tertiary assignment.

Or you could be falling into the industry jargon trap, as many business bloggers do. You know your industry’s terminology inside out, but does your audience? People lose attention quickly if language goes over their head. You need to explain your business in terms an outsider can understand.

Then again, maybe your writing is just plain boring. Great writers know how to engage their audience – they use humor, emotive words, metaphors and vivid imagery. If your writing lacks all of these things, chances are it’s a pretty dull blog.

But don’t panic! The good news is that anyone can improve their written technique. You don’t need to be a natural Shakespeare or Sylvia Plath. Becoming a great blog writer is often about simplifying your language, even breaking a few grammar rules to make your tone more conversational.

Our tips:

Cut long sentences in two
Add power words for impact
Write like you’re talking to a friend
Avoid technical & business jargon
Reason 6: You’re not publishing enough content

How often you write matters. The frequency of your blog posts can have a direct impact on your search traffic and number of subscribers. The general consensus seems to be that at least 3-4 posts a week is a good starting point.

But wait… You’re a business owner! You don’t have time to bash at the keyboard constantly. Writing quality blog posts takes time and effort. How can you achieve that amount of blogging when you have a million other things to think about?

Finding time to write can seem like an insurmountable challenge, but that’s why it must be treated as an essential part of your marketing strategy. Input blog writing as a high priority task in your time management systems. Make sure you have several uninterrupted hours a week to get your creative writing juices flowing.

And if you still can’t find the time, you’ll need to delegate blogging to your team or maybe even hire a freelancer. Just make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of strategy and content!

Our tips:

Try online project management software for your business, like WorkflowMax. By streamlining your processes you’ll free up more hours in the week.
In your spare time, compile a list of evergreen content ideas & topics.
Create a blogging schedule you can commit to (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday).
You’re not publishing enough content

Reason 7: Your blog isn’t mobile responsive

Our generation is insanely mobile. For most of us, our smartphone is an extension of our own body. It goes everywhere we do. Need to cheat on a pub quiz? Catch Pokémon at work? The answers to all of life’s questions are at our fingertips, thanks to the internet and the incredible proliferation of smartphones.

And statistics reflect this trend. In late 2015 we crossed an important threshold… It was announced that OVER half of Google searches now come from mobile devices.

So if your blog isn’t mobile responsive it’s not hard to do the math. You’re directly missing out on over 50% of your potential audience! And it gets worse. If your site isn’t mobile friendly Google may penalize you by lowering its search engine ranking, meaning a significant drop in overall traffic.

Our tips:

Use Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool to check your website’s compatibility
WordPress and Blogger offer mobile friendly plugins and templates
Instead of overhauling your existing site, it’s possible to build a separate mobile friendly version
Reason 8: Your headlines don’t cut it

We live in a strange and wondrous time. People are bombarded with exciting, titillating content every time they fire up their computer. With so much noise around, your blog posts need to stand out from the crowd. And the first thing your potential readers see is the headline.

In some ways your headline is the most important part of the blog post. It’s what sells you on social media, in search engines and in your newsletters. Writing a great headline is no easy feat, and can be challenging for even the most experienced bloggers.

A brilliant business blog headline should be enticing, but not tacky clickbait. It should offer some tangible benefit or value to your reader, but with its own unique twist. And if you’re trying to lure search traffic, it should include your SEO keyword or phrase. All this AND stay under the Google character limit! Sound tricky? It is.

Our tips:

Explain clearly what the reader will learn or gain
Play with alliteration and emotive language
Keep it under 70 characters
Put your critical keywords at the beginning

Creating a successful business blog takes planning and hard work, but if you keep following the best practices we’ve outlined here, you’ll slowly and surely see results. Good luck!



研究表明,86%的互聯網流量是通過搜索引擎。 這意味著,試圖讓您的網站顯示在前20個位置,數百萬的網頁通常競爭相同的關鍵字,可能是一個真正的挑戰。

您可以提高您的網站排名,並開始吸引更多訪問者訪問您的網站。 沒有神奇的公式,讓你的網站在頂級排名一夜之間。 相反,這是一個持續的過程,需要不斷的監測和更新。

Using SEOSuite [Corporate Edition]: IT SOLUTIONS OLIVE

Using SEOSuite [Corporate Edition]: CWD AU

About Apex Pacific

Apex Pacific has created a multi-million dollar business using its unique internet marketing strategy without spending a cent on advertising! We know more than most about what it takes to build a successful internet business. For years, Apex Pacific’s web site has always been ranked on the top 20 positions for more than 100+ major keywords in the search engine marketing and optimization industry. We have continued to provide training and tools to help everybody utilise our knowledge to boost their website and have a successful e-business.

Apex Internet Marketing Training College

The above information is just an introduction to some of the main techniques of Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is an ongoing process and there is a whole lot more tips and tricks that can be learnt to improve your websites position even further.

Knowledge is the key to success. To advance your internet marketing skills, improve your web site ranking, or start your own SEO service business, the knowledge you gain from the Apex Internet Marketing College can make you more successful.

Learn from the pioneer of the Search Engine marketing industry about how to promote your web site on the major search engines.

Apex Pacific has launched its Internet Marketing training program that teaches complete “Search Engine Marketing Courses” on how to get your web site to the top 10 positions on Google, Yahoo and MSN. More than great tips and tactics, we give you a total step-by-step program for transforming your business future.

Learn: Inside Secrets of Search Engine Marketing
If you are serious about driving more traffic to your web site and you want to get your web site to the top position on Google and Yahoo, you cannot afford to miss the strategies taught in this exciting program. Proven and tested in the real world, we will show you how to make the search engine marketing mystery as easy as 1, 2, 3.
This Search Engine Marketing course is packed end-to-end with proven, results-driven strategies.
You will discover the “million dollar question – How do I get my web site to the TOP 10 position on Google?”

What you will learn from the course?

How to find the right keywords for your web site
How to create an effective and attractive web site title
Where to put your Keywords to get Best Rankings
3 major elements for achieving a high ranking on Google
How many links you need to get to move your PageRank to 5 or higher
15 strategies to build quality links to your web site
The Best place to start getting Links
What results do you expect from search engine optimization and how long?
What critical factors are all Search Engines looking for?
5 Steps to get your web site indexed quickly
How to get visitors to your web site instantly?
Our Satisfaction Guarantee
All courses are backed by our 30 day money back guarantee!
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Great Work! If you have followed these 5 simple processes, then you have taken the first steps towards having a successfully optimised website and we assure you that your website will only increase in its ranking position and start you on your way to having a successful e-business!

Step 5: Create a link building strategy to acquire more quality links to your web site

Developing links coming into your website is a crucial part of search engine optimisation. Links from other websites to your site are considered by search engines to be a ‘vote’ for your website as they are referring and recommending their users to visits your website. It is for this reason that websites with more incoming links will have a better chance of ranking higher in the search engine than a website with no incoming links.

However there are a few crucial things we must keep in mind here that can put your website at risk of being banned from the search engine.

Do not submit your website to link farms (this can result in your site being dropped from the search engine)
Avoid paying for links or buying links (as above, can result in penalisation)
The best way to get some links coming through to your website is by having quality content, interesting articles and relevant topics as this will encourage other websites to link back to your site naturally and you will see an increase in your link popularity over time.
Another way is to find websites that are relevant to your site and it could be mutually beneficial to exchange links with. This is called a reciprocal link and is an often effective way to increase relevant links coming through to your site quickly and easily.

 Some Additional Tips

Have a talk to your suppliers, business partners, friends and ask them if you can exchange links. This can be a great source of relevant links for your website.
Submit your website to different directories around the world. These will often register as links pointing back to your website.
Try and get links from websites with a Page Rank of 3 or greater. Page Rank is a measure of ‘importance’ by Google ranking your website out of 10. You can view a websites Page Rank by downloading the Google toolbar.

 SEO Suite Tips

By using the Reciprocal link function within the SEO Suite you can find reciprocal link partners for your website quickly and easily. Having links that are relevant to your industry are often the most useful form of link and regarded higher in the search engines. You can find relevant links by typing in the keyword you want to target and see the sites that come up for that keyword.
Then simply send off an email to them requesting a link-exchange.

Step 4: Submit your website to the major search engines

Great job! If you have followed all the steps above and implemented these changes into your website you would now be ready to have your website submitted to all the search engines. Submitting your website to the search engines used to be one of the most time consuming processes of search engine optimisation, but by using the SEO Suite you will save yourself a lot of time and be able to do this quickly and easily.
Load all the URL’s within your website that you want to have indexed into the SEO Suite’s site submission ‘Auto Submission’ section. Then check all the engines that you wish to target.

Once you have done this simply push submit, and the program will automatically submit your optimised website URL’s to all of the search engines around the world that you are targeting.

Having your website indexed by the search engines can take up to 4-6 weeks to be stored in their database. Because literally thousands of websites are submitted to the search engine each day, it is now time to be a little patient and wait until they have included your site into their massive database.
It is a good idea to submit your website once a month to the search engines to remind them that you are still there and to alert them of any changes that have been made to your website. This encourages the search-engine spider to continue visiting your site and check for any updates, as well as keep your site on record. Also, it gives you a good chance to have your site re-indexed if perhaps you happened to slip through the indexing process the first time.

We would also recommend to not submit your website more than once a month as this can be considered spamming and your website could be penalised. Just be patient!

 SEO Suite Tips

You can also use the SEO Suite to have your site submitted to search engines which only accept manual submission. It is important that you submit your site to the manual engines as well, and the SEO Suite saves you from having to click through different websites allowing you to do it all within the program.

SEO Suite also contains a Google SiteMap function that allows you to create a Google SiteMap file and upload all your web sites to Google database easily.

Step 3: Optimise your website with these keywords

Once you have identified all of the keywords, it is now time to implement them within your website. There are some key areas where you will need to place these keywords in order to get your website ranking higher in the search engines. First up we must consider the Meta Tags. The meta-tags of a website can be found when you look at the Source Code of your website and is located as follows:

Open up the webpage you want to check the source code for
In the menu bar, click on View
Once you click on View, a drop down menu will appear, scroll down until you see the word Source and click on this
This will bring up for you in a text file, the source code of a particular website.
You can also do this by right-clicking on a webpage and scrolling down to where you see View Source
There are three main types of Meta Tags that are the most important to optimise. These are the crucial areas to include your keywords that you have found during your research.
The main Meta Tags are:

Title Meta Tag
Keyword Meta Tag
Description Meta Tag
Make sure that you place all your keywords within these meta-tags as these are one of the first places a search engine will look when indexing your site under particular keywords.

 Some Additional Tips

Placing your keywords throughout the content of your website is also a great way to help increase your search engine ranking
Try to put your important keywords in the first paragraph of the page will also help to improve your web ranking
Don’t just optimise your homepage, all of the pages throughout your website can be optimised with the different keywords you have found during the research phase

 SEO Suite Tips

The Meta-Tag generator is a handy feature in SEO Suite. Simply click on the Site Optimizer feature and then click on Meta-Tag editor. It is in here that you can check all the meta-tags of your website as well as edit and upload the new meta-tags with all the keywords that you have identified following your research.

Step 2: Finding the right keywords

Keywords are a crucial component of a successfully optimised website and identifying the right keywords for your product or service is essential. When thinking about keywords that you want to target take a look at your competitors and see what they are targeting. It is also recommended that you make a list of the main products or services that you want to come up for in the search engine. Remember that targeting the most common or general keyword you can think of is not often the best idea. This will often have the most competition and be harder to optimize for than a specific keyword that is regional.

Take the example of the keyword: ‘furniture’

As you could guess the keyword ‘furniture’ would be very competitive because it is so general. You could have anybody looking for information about building furniture, furniture retailers, furniture repairs, outdoor furniture etc. coming up under this search term. The trick is to be more specific, and target keywords that are more relevant to your business such as ‘business furniture Sydney’. This has two main advantages:

Less competitive making it easier to get to the higher ranking
Bringing much more targeted traffic and visitors to your website.
 Some Additional Tips

Identify keywords that are specific to your business
Consider important factors such as, do you want to target Research keywords or Buying keywords
Know your customers. Try and ask your customers what keywords they would type in to find your website. This might help you identify some keywords that you overlooked.
Check out your competition. See what keywords they are targeting. They might be targeting some keywords that you will want to include in your website.
Don’t forget about keyword variations, such as plurals, synonyms and hyphenated words.

 SEO Suite Tips

Once you have identified a list of main keywords, you can use our Keyword Builder tool that is included in the optimizer section of SEO Suite to identify and generate a list of any additional keywords that you would want to target. This tool also has a handy feature of the Keyword Effectiveness Indicator (KEI). This indicator shows you the competitiveness of keywords versus search volume and is a useful tool for identifying niche keywords.

Step 1: Create a Search Engine friendly website

When designing a website make sure that you take both search-engine friendliness as well as end user friendliness into consideration. Below are some things to keep in mind when designing your website:

Make sure you have plenty of relevant and interesting content on your website
It is a good idea to develop your website in HTML format as this is most easily read by search engine spiders
Static pages are also recommended as they are easier to be read by the search engine spiders
Try and include a sitemap as this helps the search engine find all the pages that are listed within your website
Update your website frequently so that your webpage doesn’t become ‘stagnant’ and drop down in ranking position

The Five Steps to achieving a higher ranking!

The flow chart above outlines the five steps that are required to take your web site to the higher rankings on the search engines. It may look simple, but in reality implementing these techniques can be quite a different story.

By utilizing this step by step guide and using our SEO Suite program we can assure you that you will be on your way to search engine success in no time.

SEO Made easy – 5 Simple steps to get your web site ranking in the top 10 positions on Google

If you are new to Search engine optimization, you may think that getting your web site to the top 10 positions is almost impossible! Here we are going to show you 5 simple steps on how to get your web site ranking to the top positions of Google easily.

Learn SEO in 10 minutes

If you have reached this page, you have taken your first step towards search engine marketing success!

Research has shown that 86% of all internet traffic is generated through the search engines. This means that trying to get your web site to show up on the top 20 positions where millions of web pages are often competing for the same keywords can be a real challenge.

In the next 10 minutes, we are going to share with you some tips and techniques so that you can improve your web site ranking and start getting more visitors through to your website. There is no magic formula to get your website in the top rankings overnight. Rather, it is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and updating. However if you follow the simple steps that you learn over the next few pages, we guarantee that you will see your web site ranking continue to improve.

2016年10月24日 星期一

What are your payment options?

Propeller Ads offer several convenient ways for publishers to receive payments: Bank Wire, Payoneer Prepaid, Mastercard ®, Payoneer Global Bank Transfer, ePayments, EPESE and Webmoney.
Payments are processed automatically and based on NET 30 terms.

Can I remove an ad campaign from appearing on my site?

Yes, if you would like to disconnect a campaign from your site, simply contact our support team with the details and the unwanted ads will be filtered out of your ad channels.

Is Propeller Ads compatible with other ad networks?

Our monetization solutions are indeed fully compatible with all other networks.

How do I get approved for a publisher account?

The sign-up process is simple and 100% free of charge. Visit our sign up page and fill in the registration form. Your account will be activated as soon as you confirm your email address.

What are your traffic and website requirements?

With a few rare exceptions, we accept all sites regardless of traffic volume. However, we do not accept websites containing adult content, malware and any other content that violates our Terms and Conditions.

What is your revenue model for publishers?

Our goal at Propeller Ads is simple: display only the most relevant high paying advertisements for maximum revenue each time your page is viewed. For every 1000 advertising impressions, we pay your our industry leading eCPM rate. However, earnings are calculated by variables including, but not limited to, user geographic location, device category, website category, ad unit and an individualized performance metric set by the advertiser. Read more in our blog.

How can I add a thumbnail to my AdFly links on Facebook?

Adding a thumbnail to your AdFly links couldn't be simpler. You just need to click on the pencil icon next to the AdFly link you wish to edit and add a URL to an image for use with Facebook.
In order to test your FB thumbnail please visit following page:
Paste your AdFly URL and press 'Fetch new scrape information' button.

Do you have a mobile app?

Yes! We have recently launched our official AdFly app for Publishers compatible with most mobile devices.
This will allow you to access easily to your Publisher panel and improve your experience from your mobile. Here is what you can do:
Quick overview of your account
Shrink your links instantly
See your stats and earnings simply and fast
Check out our latest updates
Our official app is available for free in the App Store and in Google Play.

Why is my link 'locked'?

This can happen if you open multiple AdFly links too quickly.
It is to protect our advertisers and ensure the viewer actually sees their advert for 5 seconds.
If one of your visitors opens many links, one in each tab of their Internet browser - they will not see the advertising for 5 seconds. They will only open the tab and click 'Skip Ad'.
The 'locked' page protects against this behavior.

Why am I seeing a Captcha on AdF.ly?

We have a Captcha system for a very small percentage of the daily visitors.
This is necessary to detect bots and other fraudulent traffic. It protects our advertisers and allows them to bid more for your traffic - ensuring you are paid the absolute most money for each visitor you send via AdFly.

How often are Pop Ads shown to my visitors?

You can now set the number of times Pop Ads are shown to your visitors in your website simply by adding the variable:
var popunder_frequency_delay = 0;
to your Java Scrip code.
We recommend to keep the default settings specified in
in order to maximize your revenue.

How often are my Publisher stats updated?

The stats are updated every 30 minutes. It times you how long ago they were last updated below the list of links.

Why are you not counting all of my visitors?

First please ensure you waited up to 2 hours for our stats to update.
There are number of reasons as to why our numbers do not match.
For us to be able to pay you for your traffic, the following criteria must be met:
Must have JavaScript enabled.
Must have Flash enabled.
Must have Cookies enabled.
Must view the advert for at least 5 seconds.
Must not being using a proxy server (unless we have advertisers wanting this traffic).
Must not have viewed more than 5 links already that day.
Must be an advertiser willing to pay for traffic from their country.
The last point is the most important, if we do not have an advertiser to match with your visitor - we cannot show an advert.
We try and keep unpaid defaults to an absolute minimum but depending on the country of your visitors, this a possibility.

What is proxy traffic? Will I get paid for it?

Proxy traffic are users who are connected to the Internet via proxy server, this happens a lot in universities / company offices / Internet cafes etc. Unfortunately due to their nature, it makes more difficult for us to determine unique users.
While we do not officially pay for proxy traffic, we will pay if we can show them an advertisement and we only can show them an advertisement if it has been specifically requested by the advertiser.
It is generally the lowest paid traffic.

How much do you pay for xxxxxx country?

We do not pay a fixed amount on AdF.ly - we pay 50% of the advertising revenue generated.
This allows us to pay you more in the long term and also ensure we remain a profitable company, so that we will still be going for a long time ahead.
So we cannot state exactly how much we pay for visitors from a country but we can show you the average payout rate for yesterday, this is available here:

How many links can a particular visitor click in 1 day?

There is no limit in regards to redirecting the user, this will always work.
However, we pay for up to 5 advert views per IP in 24 hours.

API Rate Limiting

We have introduced a rate limit on the amount of calls an account can make to our API to automatically shorten URLs.
This was unfortunately necessary after some accounts had been abusing this service.
Currently the limit is 60 per minute, 3600 per hour and 86400 per day. After this, the API will return to you an error message.
If you need to request a higher limit please contact us:
and specify your website address and the reason for needing high volume API access.
We will evaluate the limit on a case by case basis. Thank you for your understanding.

How many websites can I shrink? Is there a limit?

There is no hard limit.
We only ask that you use as many links as you need. Accounts with 10,000 links or more and very little earnings will be flagged and investigated.

How do I install AdFly on my blog / forum?

If you have a website and wish to earn money when a visitor simply enters your site, please use our Website Entry Script.
To find the script, please login to your AdFly account and copy the script located here:
Copy-and-paste the code on to your webpage or blog.
If you want to automatically convert all the links on your blog / forum to AdFly links, you will need to copy-and-paste our Full Page Script.
To find the script, please login to your AdFly account and copy the script located here:
This needs to be pasted into the footer template.
This is different for every blog and forum platform, please consult the documentation.

How much can I earn?

This all depends on how many people click on your links.
Earning potential is limitless, and grows even further with our referral program which pays 20% of all of your referral's earnings for LIFE

How do I make money?

To make money using AdFly, follow these simple instructions:
Login to your AdFly account.
Enter a website URL in the white box (e.g. http://www.google.com) and click 'Shrink!'.
Copy-and-paste the AdFly link you are given on to your website, in to a forum post or blog post, Facebook status, twitter post etc.
Every time someone clicks on that link, you will earn money.
Basically when posting messages on the Internet, replace any normal link with AdFly links.

Does it cost anything to join? Any investment?

If you wish to join AdFly to earn money, you do not need to make any investment or pay anyone money. We pay you!
If you want to advertise your website on AdFly, then yes obviously this costs money and payment is necessary.

How does this work?

AdFly is an innovative service that allows you to earn money from each visitor to your shortened links. How this works is actually quite simple.
Create an account with AdFly by clicking the 'Join' button on our homepage (https://adf.ly), make sure you select a 'Publisher' account.
You will then need to check your email for our confirmation, please follow the instructions in the email.
Login to your new AdFly account.
Enter your favorite website in the big white box and click Shrink! Your first AdFly URL will be displayed and will look something like https://adf.ly/A
Now that you have an AdFly URL that is associated with your account, the work begins.
You will now be paid for every person that clicks on your AdFly link, so you need to give it maximum exposure. The easiest way is if you already own a website, you can 'shrink' URLs already on your website and replace them with AdFly links. Then your website visitors click on them, you will earn money.
It doesn't matter if you don't own a website, there are plenty of other ways to get people clicking on your AdFly links (without spamming!). Here a few ideas:
Facebook. Got a great website to share with your friends? Shrink it with AdFly first.
Forums. If you are helping people out on a forum and giving them the answers they require, shrink any website URLs with AdFly and then include them in your post. Be absolutely sure you are not spamming though, otherwise you get your account suspended. Always abide by the forum rules.
Twitter. Do you have a Twitter with lots of followers? AdFly is perfect for tweeting links that will earn you money.
Anywhere you normally post links! Use your imagination and paid by us every month.

What is AdF.ly? What does it do?

AdF.ly is a URL shortener that rewards the publishers of the shortened links by offering 50% of the advertising revenue.
Our members fall into two different categories, Publishers and Advertisers.
A Publisher will earn money through AdF.ly by placing the shortened links on their website / blog / Facebook / Twitter etc. Each time when any of their visitors clicks on an AdF.ly link they will first view a full page advertisement for 5 seconds before being able to click a Skip Ad button and continue to their intended destination. We share this revenue with the Publisher of the link.
Advertisers pay AdF.ly for visitors to their website or affiliate URL. They can target a country, set a campaign budget and they are purchasing the visitors sent by our Publishers.




1. 按"Activate"。
2. 輸入infolinks信用卡的資料和使用密碼。

2016年10月23日 星期日

Payoneer信用卡: 佟麗婭澳洲網站使用Propeller Ads。



Payoneer Credit Card: Social networks

1. Using Adfly to hide Social networks links
2. Display ad when user visits the Social network link



Payoneer Credit Card: External links Ad project

1. Using Adfly to hide External links
2. Display ad when user visits the External link

2016年10月1日 星期六


申請人加入本服務須持續遵守位於http://www.bloggerads.net/event/policies或本公司在不定時 提供之其它(URL)上所提供的服務規範。本公司保有拒絕申請者參與,或隨時拒絕申請者的權利。
申請人同意遵循本公司不定時提供的規格,配合申請人的網站放送、顯示、追蹤與回報適當之廣告、連結、以及本公司品牌特徵,如下方第六條(包括但不限於不得修改本公司以任何方式提供給申請人的JavaScript 或其它程式設計),除非取得本公司的書面授權(包括但不限於電子郵件等)。
蒐集目的及方式:本公司之蒐集目的在於進行客戶(會員)服務、存款與匯款業務管理、活動邀約及行銷與內部的統計調查和分析(法定特定目的項目標號為037, 066, 020, 022, 060與097),並透過會員加入(修改)表單輸入方式進行個人資料之蒐集。
① C001辨識個人者:如姓名、電話、地址、電子郵件...等資訊。
② C002辨識財務者:如銀行帳戶等資訊。
③ C003政府資料中之辨識者:如身分證統一編號等資訊。
④ C011個人描述:如性別、國籍、出生年月日...等。
⑤ C021家庭情形:如婚姻與子女人數。
⑥ C022婚姻之歷史:如離婚、分居...等。
⑦ C023家庭其他成員之細節:如子女姓名、性別與生日。
⑧ C035休閒活動及興趣:如上網頻率。
⑨ C036生活格調:如購物頻率。
⑩ C038職業:如職業別、職務別...等。
⑪ C052資格或技術:如教育程度。
⑫ C056著作:如分享圖文。
⑬ C081收入、所得、資產與投資:如月收入。
① 案件執行之活動邀約與文案校稿。
② 請款作業之金融交易。
③ 扣繳憑單之寄送。
④ 電子郵件之宣傳行銷。
⑤ 使用者經驗之統計分析。
① 查詢或請求閱覽。
② 請求製給複製本。
③ 請求補充或更正。
④ 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
⑤ 請求刪除。




1. Why should I join YOUR network?
In addition to one of the most generous payout programs in the industry, InfinityAds.com offers these additional benefits:
You can choose the type of advertisers that your visitors will view. While most webmasters allow for every type of general-audience advertisers, we can also send you advertisers from sites similar to your own. You may also restrict certain types of advertisers from being sent to your site.
We send our members unique advertisements. This means the advertisements your visitors receive will not have been offered your site in the last 24 hours and your extra traffic will always be fresh.
By logging into your stats page, you can check your stats at any time to see how many advertising pages you’ve delivered, how much you’ve received and how many you’re owed.
2. Do you accept non-english websites?
Yes, we accept good quality non-english websites.
3. Can minors join InfinityAds.com?
No, you must be at least 18 years old to join.
4. How much does it cost to join?
It is absolutely free.
5. What is a CPM?
CPM simply means Cost Per Thousand, the cost of producing one thousand impressions–or site visitors. As an advertiser, it’s what you pay to receive 1,000 visitors to your site. As a Publisher, it’s what InfinityAds.com will pay you for every thousand advertisements shown at your site.
6. What is Raw/Unique Visitor?
RAW Visitor – A RAW Visitor is counted every time a page is displayed, regardless of whether it is displayed to the same person.
Unique Visitors – Unique visitors are counted when a page is displayed to a person once with in a certain period of time. If that same person visits your site again with in that period of time the system will not count that visit.
7. What is Raw/Unique CPM?
RAW CPM means you’re paid on every impression.
Unique CPM means you’re paid on unique IP impressions.
8. Can I send traffic from any site?
No, we can not accept and will not pay for Traffic from Adult Sites or Illegal Sites. These include but are not limited to Warez, ROM’s, EMU’s, newsgroup postings, SPAM emails or sites with Adult Content. Also, any falsification of traffic will be grounds for immediate termination from the program without pay.
9. How much do I get paid?
InfinityAds.com average payment rate is USD$1.80 per 1,000 impressions. Actual campaign rates vary with website performance and market conditions.
10. When are payments issued?
Payments are issued to publishers bi-weekly, usually on the 1st and 15th of each month.
11. How does your popunder program work?
By embedding a short html code on your website, you’ll be paid whenever a visitor comes onto your website and sees a commercial ad. If your visitors matches with the targeting setting of the advertising campaign, they will be presented with an advertisement in a full page pop-under window. The advertisement belongs to one of our pre-screened advertisers. As a Publisher with InfinityAds, you are able to control how frequently ads will display to each visitor by setting a Frequency cap when you generate your ad code.
12. Can I popup other consoles besides yours?
InfinityAds.com pop-behind (popunders) windows may not launched from a page that launches more than one additional popup window at the same time.
13. Where should I place the code on my site?
The advertising code should be placed anywhere before the tags.
14. Can your popunder code bypass pop blockers?
Yes, our system is capable of bypassing most of the pop-up blockers available today. However there are still some new pop-up blockers that we may not recognize. Please inform us those pop-up blockers so we can improve our system.
15. Why my site is deactivated?
InfinityAds.com audits every Affiliate’s website traffic on a regular basis. We may deactivate a site for the popunder program if we find that site to be in violation of one or more of our terms.


目前領款方式主要有三種: (1) 銀行匯款:需提供本人之銀行相關資料,包含往來行庫名稱、戶名、帳號(將自動扣抵30元之銀行手續費用)。「郵局、銀行匯款」最低領款標準新台幣NT$1,000元含以上(已包含NT$ 30元為銀行匯款手續費用),並須上傳身份證正反面及存摺封面影本以利開立扣繳憑單及檢核帳號用之)及帳戶影本,以便確認您為申請者本人。 (2) 公益捐款:將於撥款後次月10日在捐贈對象的網站上公告捐款清單列表以示憑據。 (3) Paypal:須提供Paypal帳戶,並上傳護照正本或影本。
(1)台灣用戶:當您帳戶累積金額到達新台幣NT$1,000元以上,可設定匯款方式。 (2)國外用戶:當您累積金額達美金$100元以上,方可申請領款。
我們目前僅提供Paypal,請您申請時,請提供護照正本或影本以證明身分。 ※ Paypal:因台灣稅法規定,外國收款人所得獎金超過新台幣NT$5,000元以上,須負擔20%稅金。
若您當年度曾經向BloggerAds請款,BloggerAds將於次年年初,開立前一個年度的領款總額,並寄送扣繳憑單。另依財政部規定,中華民國境內居住之個人所得金額超過新台幣NT$20,000元,所得人須負擔10%稅金,非中華民國境內居住之個人單次所得獎金超過新台幣NT$5,000元, 領款人須負擔20%稅金,收款人無須事先繳付,稅金將自所得金額中先行扣抵,BloggerAds並將寄送扣繳憑單予收款人。
請您只需要登入BloggerAds,並點選右上角我的帳戶的【個人資料】 選擇修改姓名,同時上傳「變更登記事項表(整份)照片」,待審核通過後, 請到收益管理的【管理帳戶】,新增撥款帳戶依照內部說明提供相關資料即可。


每個使用BloggerAds廣告的部落客,能獲得的獎金收益多寡各不同,其計算方式主要決定於以下幾個項目: (1)點越多賺越多: 當越多網友點選廣告,您能獲得的獎金就越多! (2)曝光越高、獎金越多: 越多人來您的部落格,您能賺到的獎金就越多,快向親朋好友主動推銷自己的部落格吧! (3)廣告委託金額: BloggerAds平均每個月有15~30個廣告輪播,每則廣告獎金依各廠商所投放的金額多寡而有所不同。 (4)開啟部落格就能看到BloggerAds: 將廣告欄位放在部落格網頁較高的位置,就有機會拿到更多的廣告獎金。
BloggerAds建議您: (1)把您的廣告放在部落格一打開,就能看到的位置 (2)多號召親朋好友、網友,造訪您的部落格,提高部落格瀏覽量。




BloggerAds從事網路廣告專業服務已多年,目前已和300多家品牌企業合作過。這些廣告來源,除了各大媒體代理商外,也有許多品牌企業主主動尋求 BloggerAds提供網路部落格行銷服務。因此BloggerAds提供的廣告服務,不論是免費試用試吃體驗、徵文活動等,對會員來說都相對有品質保障。
BloggerAds 商業廣告曝光方式?
BloggerAds的商業廣告曝光: (1)商業廣告內容是由品牌企業主決定,非BloggerAds決定。 (2)品牌企業主會從18種不同的部落格分類選擇投放,而非單一部落格投放。 (3)BloggerAds的商業廣告輪播可達每日1,500萬次的曝光,歡迎廣告主洽詢。


請您只需要登入BloggerAds,並點選右上角我的帳戶的【個人資料】 選擇修改姓名,同時上傳戶籍謄本&新身份證正反面圖片,待審核通過後, 請到收益管理的【管理帳戶】,新增撥款帳戶依照內部說明提供相關資料即可。




BloggerAds是達摩媒體股份有限公司於2006年創立,為全台灣最大的部落格行銷的互動平台與廣告聯播媒體,提供部落客或一般會員最優質、最專業的網路活動、任務遊戲、產品體驗、問卷調查等。 會員可透過分享評價、參與站上各類型互動,賺取豐厚獎金,也可得到各種不同產品的好康優惠。也可以透過領取部落格廣告,運用部落格張貼,幫自己再賺取額外的零用金。同時,BloggerAds還可以幫您進行公益捐款,為值得幫助的人事物,透過BloggerAds來盡一份心力。 BloggerAds將持續規劃各種不同的功能、活動內容,讓所有會員能夠盡情參與,獲得更多好康、賺到更多獎金。

